History of the BBQ

History of the BBQ- Origin Of BBQ

When someone asked, what is your favorite food or what do you like to eat? Most probably your answer will be “oh! It is uncontroversial BBQ. In fact it is the most favorite dish of every dining able as well as in every cuisine. BBQ mean the abbreviated word for the amazing barbeque. In this will see the history of the BBQ.

Since it is salty, tangy and spicy every living being from cradle to grave like to feast on this miraculous dish. Though we are big fans of BBQ, actually do we know regarding the origin and the history of BBQ, this amazing food guy?

BBQ and Pre-Historic Era

Human began to consume food especially meat cooked over fire around 1.8 million years ago. The human ancestor called Homo erectus began the traditional of cooking meat on fire after the advent of fire by him.

Since the modern BBQ tradition is same to cooking meat on fire, it is no wrong of describing the origin of BBQ relative to the historic era. Though the preparation of meat on fire in historic era is fundamental, many people believe that the origin of the BBQ tradition is bound with the historic era as our ancient ancestor, Homo erectus consumed his food (especially meat) after smoking it on fire.

Evolution of BBQ

After the revolution, many people who lived Spain and Portugal became official explorers and accordingly they commenced to migrate each and every corner of the world in order to expand their religion to discover new varieties of condiments and with some other intentions as a result of Spanish explorations.

They were able to migrate to Caribbean islands and there those conquistadors found the indigenous people of those islands were drying meat under the suns radiations in order to preserve them as the fresh existence of meat is limited of certain days.

Nevertheless, those explorers noticed that the main problem they means the indigenous community had face in the circumstance was though they dried, rapidly the meat spoilt and the bugs infested them. So they had to face with many bad experience related to their food matters. As an alternative for this, they began to smoke the meat over fire and smoke kept meat long lasted and bugs away.

Therefore they won the success in that matter. As it is closely similar to the BBQ tradition many food historians claimed that it was one historical development of BBQ.

However the history of the BBQ also runs to the ancient region of southern USA. During the migration of Europeans to the southern region of USA they imported the captured and enslaved Africans to the relevant regions. In that time European cattle’s and pigs also were transplanted there. So pork was the main dish of their dining tables and it is believed that those humans consumed the meat after smoking them on fire. So this situation also claims to the evolution of modern BBQ.

The first meat market opened by Jessi Swearingen in 1875, Lockhart, Texas. It was also contribution to the modern BBQ. Every year four restaurants in market welcome over 250,000dinners for the entire world. Later the town was famous for its barbecued beef and sausages with saltine crackers, onions and pickles. In1999 Lockhart was officially nominated the Barbecue capital of Texas.

As the evidence that have been discovered, BBQ can be considered as the ancient cuisine of the food Planet. The first barbecue recipes are recorded from the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations. As they were experienced shepherds of animal husbandry they began to prepare meat by smoking them over fire soaked with thin rice bran oil.  They smoked meat at a high temperature. So they became competent to consume fresh, roasted, crispy and smoked BBQ.

However the climax of evolution of barbecue is exposed by grate Caribbean island. They were the pioneers of modern barbecue traditions. They used to smoke meat over a grill or pits covered with spices and basting sauce. Actually this is the modern theory we apply when preparing the magical dish of barbecue. Likewise the history of modern barbecue tradition is inherited from Caribbean island.

Where does the word Barbecue Come From?

Normally in day today life we use the word BBQ to introduce barbecue. It is the abbreviated slang of the word barbecue. The spellings of the word can be written in both manners of barbecue and barbeque. However, how this word barbecue originated? What was the foundation of it?

As the History reflects, it mentions that the word barbecue has been derived from the Spanish slang. When the word “Barbacoa” of Spanish is translated in to English it displays the word of Barbecue.

However the arrival of this word is controversial as many people have introduced different explanations about the word barbecue and Barbacoa. Some people say that it has been derived from Arawak tribe. Any way, it can be undoubtedly expressed that the word barbeque has been derived from the word Barbacoa.

Barbecue Vs. Ancient Celebrities

In fact barbecue can be considered as a region which makes people together and it is a communication medium between neighbors, friends and any loving guy.

In ancient time too people had used this smoked guy for their celebrations and special events. After victory of revolutionary war, it is events were commemorated with spicy, tangy and sweet barbecues. It is amazing to say that this barbecue claims relationship with the life events of world famous celebrities.

American president were big fans of barbecue and great former president of America, George Washington’s diaries were full with reference of barbecue. He was major barbecue buff.When Abraham Lincoln’s parents were married, their wedding feast also was a huge BBQ.

Different Barbecue Styles

Although these smoked meat on a grill or a pit is referred to as barbecue. It possesses many regional introductions as well as preparation methods.

In America we are introduced to barbecue in 4 main traditions. Such as follows,

Carolina BBQ

Texas BBQ

Memphis BBQ

Kansas BBQ

When it is considered about Carolina BBQ, South Carolina uses vinegar based sauce to their make meat much spicy, tangy and juicy. But in north people prefer to use mustard based sauce.

In Texas, their barbecue is dominantly based on beef. Here Texan Molasses was added to create a sweeter barbecue flavor. In Texas the unique barbecue type is Texas brisket, the meat seasoned with salt and pepper and slow cooked for many hours.

In Memphis, typically barbecue tradition is bound with pork. Here a distinctive feature is the rub massaged in to meat and it contains dozen of different herbs and condiments.

The barbecue tradition in Kansas City is developed when the person called henry Perry started a barbecue restaurant.  He was a fan of sweet barbecue. Therefore in this region barbecue are mostly sweet in flavor. The recipe includes a sauce made with tomato and molasses. Sometimes it is soaked with brown sugar too.

In addition to those four varieties of American barbecue, as a foodie guy you can explore many other type of barbecue spread all over the world.

Different Countries BBQ Traditions

In Korea, if you are huge fan of barbecue, you will meet with distinctive experience. In this tradition the grill is at the center of the table and dinners have to participate with their own meat and side dishes known as Banchan and then they get opportunity to grill their own food. Among the grilled stuff, prominent members are thinly sliced beef called Bulgogi, beef ribs called Galbi and Dark Galbi which are marinated chicken.

In France and Switzerland, the people have practiced with unique barbecue tradition called Pierrade or Pierre Chaude. Here they use hot flat stone as the grill and stuff will be very thin sliced meat.

In South Africa, you will meet with braai not with barbecue. It means there barbecue is referred to as braai. In this tradition generally, meats such as lamb, Beef and pork are grilled on a wood fired braai stand.

When moved in to West Africa, confusing you will meet with Suya instead of barbecue. Suya is typically prepared with skewered beef, mutton or chicken and sometimes kidney liver and tripe are also used. To marinate thinly sliced beef they use a spice sauce called Suya spice or peanut cake prepared by ground peanuts, garlic ginger salt smoked paprika and onion powder.

Likewise, you will be able to distinguish how the evolution of barbecue has taken place geographically. It is better and significant as anyone can taste different flavors of barbecue.

The journey of barbecue from pre -historic era to present is complex and amazing. With the new invention this amazing smoked guy also went under new variations. It is unthinkable where barbecue will cease its journey and where its destination is.

The Best BBQ Chicken Crock Pot

The Best BBQ Chicken Crock Pot

This BBQ Chicken Crock Pot is quick, delicious easy dish to take to your next level of your meal. In less than three hours you’ll have delicious moist and tender BBQ Chicken Crock Pot. This is seriously the best crock-pot barbecue chicken recipe and it’s super easy it all starts with a dry rub. That’s quick to put together and it gives the chicken a wonderful combination of flavors. It’s a little sweet a little bit spicy and very tasty.

What is the Best Chicken for BBQ Chicken Crock Pot?

You can select boneless or skin less chicken for this BBQ chicken crock pot recipe. For this we use with bone and skin in chicken. Because will have more moisture and easy to add different variety of flavor.

What are the Key things to check when you buy chicken?

Chicken is most famous food for adding different spices and seasoning. Every one love chicken recipes for their ease of use to add different flavors to meals.

When you buy chicken there are few things need to look out. Whether chicken is Free-range, Organic or All- natural. Another key thing is the size and flavor of the chicken.

Final things are need to check that chicken with added water or broth doesn’t have same texture after cooked.

Let’s make Dry Barbecue Rub for BBQ Chicken Crock Pot

Ingredients for Rub

  • 1 tablespoon of chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon of ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin
  • 1 tablespoon of onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of kosher salt next
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar mix the spice

As well this is one of the best recipe and you’re definitely going to want it in yours taste the rub and adjust the seasonings to your taste.

I want a little sweeter rub so I’ll be adding another tablespoon of brown sugar if you like it spicier add more pepper or chili powder or cayenne pepper.

Finally add one table spoon of smoked paprika spray your crock-pot with olive oil or cooking spray to make cleanup quicker.

Seasoning Chicken

Dust the chicken with the dry rub on all sides and start layering it into the crockpot. Use chicken legs some chicken thighs because, they tend to stay moister when cooking than chicken breasts, which are very lean and can be easily, dry out. Always season according to your preference this chicken.

This is the perfect way to make a lot of barbeque chicken for your family or for a crowd. All the chicken seasoned nicely and ready to put chicken in to crock pot.  

Without having to keep your eye on it, drizzle a barbecue sauce over the chicken. Then use a basting brush or the back of a spoon to gently spread the sauce across the chicken.

Will BBQ sauce burn in slow cooker?

Actually BBQ source not burn in slow cooker, but it will mix with the liquid. When the BBQ sauce top of the chicken then it can burn or can dry. Most of the time it will combine with other liquid or water.

Do you need add any liquid in a crock pot for chicken?

Remember don’t be tempted to add any additional liquid to the slow cooker as the chicken cooks, it will release some juices cover the slow cooker.

Cook on high for two-and-a-half to three hours until the chicken is cooked through or it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Always try to cook everything on low. I feel like it allows all of the seasonings and flavors and spices to marry into the dish a lot better. When you do it low and slow so we got our last few pieces of chicken into our slow cooker.

After the chicken is done cooking in the slow cooker, I’ll pop it into the broiler or under the grill for a few minutes to crisp up the skin.

Add a little more barbecue sauce on top of the chicken.

Spread BBQ sauce it around with a basting brush or the back of a spoon.

Tips for BBQ Chicken Crock Pot

Rember you don’t need to overcook your chicken. Suggested to be cooked through or it reaches an internal temperature of 165 °F. It’s very important to check the temperature spot on, also few mistake can make it overcook or undercook. Have to use good quality digital thermometer insert in to thicker part of the meter.

All ways need to use simple seasoning. But this totally depends on your preference. According to your or your family members wish you can change adding different flavor.

If your crock pot is really full with the chicken, then it will take longer to heat and cook. Therefor you need more space in the crock pot to cook bbq chicken crock pot.

The broiler set on high with the rack set about three inches from the flames watch the chicken closely so it doesn’t burn.

What to Serve With BBQ Chicken Crock Pot

BBQ Chicken Crock pot is very good with anything. You can serve with sauce or smoked veggies like smoked baked potatoes, Brussels sprouts and chees.

Other way we can serve barbecue chicken all by itself with coleslaw mac and cheese and berry cheesecake salad. It’s also a great shredded and used for barbeque chicken sandwiches BBQ chicken salad in barbecue chicken pizza.

The Best BBQ Chicken Crock Pot

The Best BBQ Chicken Crock Pot

Course Main Course
Servings 4
Calories 350 kcal


  • 1 Fresh chicken
  • 1 tbsp Chili powder
  • 1 tbsp Black pepper
  • 1 tbsp Cumin
  • 1 tbsp Onion powder
  • 1 tbsp Garlic powder
  • 1 tsp Kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp Brown sugar


Prep Chicken

  • Give good wash chicken.
  • Dust the chicken with the dry rub on all sides and start layering it into the crockpot.
  • Drizzlea barbecue sauce over the chicken.
  • Use a basting brush or the back of a spoon to gently spread the sauce across the chicken.

Smoke Chicken

  • Cook chicken 3hours, it reaches an internal temperature of 165F.
  • Pop it into the broiler or under the grill for a few minutes to crisp up the skin.

Serve Time

  • You can serve with sauce or smoked veggies like smoked baked potatoes.
Keyword BBQ Chicken Crock Pot, Chicken
The Black peppers, a renowned member of condiments is in every cuisine at each corner of the world. It is one of the earliest spices in use and at and at the present it is widely used all over the world. Not like the other spices it plays a major role in every dining table. Mostly every dish of the every three meals are nourished, decorated, flavored and give health benefits of black peppers to the human body.

Black Pepper V White Pepper

Occasionally in day today life dining tables, we are introducing to dishes with black pepper. However there is another guy which comes from same plant Piper Nigrum. It is called white pepper as in appearance it seems to be white.

Though black pepper is produce by unripe berries of pepper allowing them to dry and to blackened, white pepper is manufactured by fully ripe berries of pepper. Then the berries are soaked in water and let them to ferment. After that the outer covering is removed while reaming the inner white seed. According to this methodology white pepper is produce.

According to many comments white pepper is not much pungent and piquant, but milder than the taste of black pepper. The main reason for that is the chemical substance is stripped away when removing the epidermis.

Health Benefits of Black Peppers

The Black peppers, a renowned member of condiments is in every cuisine at each corner of the world. It is one of the earliest spices in use and at and at the present it is widely used all over the world. Not like the other spices it plays a major role in every dining table. Mostly every dish of the every three meals are nourished, decorated, flavored and give health benefits of black peppers to the human body.

In fact majority of the people consume black pepper and it stands rigidly in the menu surpassing the other condiments due to its enormous Contribution to the Life span and Beneficial effects. Under this will talk about what health benefits of black peppers add to meals.Evolutionary Black Pepper is categorized under the kingdom Plantoe and family Piperaceae. Scientifically this condiment is referred to as Piper Nigrum. There are many varieties of pepper and black pepper bulks among them due to its special properties

Where does Black Peppercorn come from?

Black pepper was used in ancient time period as a condiment as well as in other fields too. However arrival of it is recorded from India. As the native land of black pepper, the state of Kerala in India is considered.

The history of usage of black pepper runs towards the Ancient Egyptian civilization and it reveals that black pepper was used to preserve mummies and as evidence the archaeologists have excavated a body of mummy whose nostrils have been stuffed with pepper in order to keep it clean. According to the ancient Roman cook book”Apicius” written in 4 AD, the usage of Black pepper was very high in that era. Ancient Greeks and Romans loved Black pepper much and added their diet.

However at present it is grown in every tropical region in large scale as it bears fruits perennially. It is widely cultivated throughout Indonesia and has been introduced into tropical areas of African continent and the western hemisphere.

Vietnam currently maintains the cultivation of black pepper in large scale and exports them to various countries fulfilling a greater portion of world supply.  In addition, the desire of testing this little piquant spice drove the explorers like Vasko De Gama, Colombus , towards the eastern part of globe.

Is Black Pepper Good For You?

Though it is minute size, it is activity is comprehensive and uncountable. In fact Black Pepper is condiment which assists people in an auxiliary manner giving them many benefits for the existence. As a matter of fact, Black pepper is healthy for use from cradle to grove and age difference can be neglected when consuming it as it contains much beneficial influences.

Black pepper is rich with many nutrients such as Thiamine,Riboflavin,Vitamin C ,Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Vitamin K. It is also rich source of minerals like Zinc, magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorous and calcium. Presence of dietary fiber is also high in black pepper. Accordingly, if anyone has doubts regarding the consumption of black pepper. It will clear after being familiar with these nutritional conditions of it.

Contribution of Black Pepper for a Healthy Life

01. A strong Antioxidant

Antioxidant are referred to as the compounds that protect cell damage caused by free radicals which are formed as a result of poor diet, sun exposure, smoking, pollutants. Black pepper is a source containing much antioxidants and majority of composition is covered by the antioxidant called Piperine, the most abundant chemical compound in black pepper. This piperine helps to protect cells from free radicals.

In one study, it was exposed that black pepper extract is able to resist over the action of radicals in a fat preparation.  In another study, scientists were able to note that black pepper has the potential to stop up 85% of cellular damage caused due to the cancer development. Therefore uncontroversial   it can be accepted that black pepper is a good and powerful antioxidant.

02. Absorption of Nutrients

Black pepper has the potential of enhancing the absorption of various kinds of nutrients as well as some other beneficial components into our body. The organic compound piperine found in black pepper increases the absorption of circuit abundant in turmeric which has many anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties. It also boosts absorption of resveratrol, a red wine compound that reduce a person’s risk for the brain disorders and heart problems. Some researchers have proved that black pepper improves the absorption of beta-carotene, an antioxidant compound abundant in vegetables and fruits which can prevent heart diseases. Instead of taking beta-carotene alone, consumption with piperine improves the blood level in adults.

03. Promote Digestion and Reduce Diarrhea

Black pepper assists many people in their digestive cases. It convinces the stomach actions and improves digestion. Black pepper stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes which prevent feeling full after meals and it also accelerate the release of enzymes in pancreas  and intestine which help for the digestion of carbs and fat.  Black pepper also facilitates the transition of food through GI tract.

Black pepper aids to inhabit diarrhea by decreasing muscle spams in digestive tract and slowing the digestion of foods. It also have revealed that piperine in doses of 4.5mg per pound of body weight is comparable to the common antidiarrheal medication lope amide. Likewise black pepper engages in enormous contribution for digestion as well as for treating diarrhea.

04. Reduce Blood Sugar Compositions

Diabetes is a contemporary disease common among social groups due to the difference occurred in their blood sugar levels. Piperine in black pepper maintains blood sugar levels (glucose level) by improving metabolic performance. It also enhances the sensitivity of Insulin, a hormone influenced for diabetic conditions. This Piperine found in black pepper has the ability to discourage the function of some digestive enzymes which converts complex carbohydrates and sucrose into glucose. And Piperine stands as a bio enhancer for metformin which used as a common medication for diabetes.

05. Maintenance of Cholesterol Level

Piperinein Black pepper debilitates the enzymes which promote the formation of fat and it attempts to remove fat. As well as Piperine prevents the absorption of bile, an acidic digestive juice which facilitates the absorption and digestion of fat. Black pepper lowers the LDL cholesterol level and it diminishes the risk for heart diseases. In addition it increases the HDL cholesterol level which is friendly for human life.

Assistance of Black Pepper for Mental Health


Black pepper provides its services   maximum as a good natural antidepressant. The anxiety is caused due to the high level of oxidative stress in the brain. Piperinein in black pepper inhibits the levels of oxidative stress and prevent damaging of brain cells. While Piperinein controls the release of Monoamine oxidase, a responsible substance for depression it also induce the release of happy hormone like serotonin and dopamine. Therefor black pepper become a natural antidepressant curse many depressed patients.

Promote Brain Health

Piperinein in the black pepper becomes competent to attenuate the enzyme which breaks down the calming neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine while reducing the risk of causing degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Not only that but also Piperinein protects the nerves of brain and reduce the formation of plaque.   

Reduce Pseudo seizure

Due to the long term mental stress a kind of seizure the Pseudo seizures occurred. Piperinein reduce this condition by the proper synchronization of the nerve activity in brain and controlling the flow of calcium.

Turmeric with Black Pepper Benefits

Turmeric a member of ginger family which is also referred to as Indian saffron is a condiment which has been able to beguile the kitchen maid since ancient eras. Scientifically it is introduced as Circuma Longa and native to south East Asia. It has become an essential condiment for every cuisine as it a lot of benefits.

The active compound can be within the turmeric is Circumin and it has a magical ability to act as a antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antifungal substance. However the inauspicious fact is Circumin in turmeric has poor bioavailability. It has minimum tendency of absorption. So to work this magic, black pepper comes as helping hand. Piperinein in black pepper is potent to increase the bioavailability of Circumin and to obtain its maximum advantages. When Piperinein combine with Circumin, it enhances the absorption of Circumin into body as well as blood stream in 2000%. This combination assists to improve joint mobility by reducing the aging of joints and supports to the digestion as well as to internal cleansing.

So many people suffer from various diseased conditions like ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome use black pepper and turmeric In order to manage those and to cure them. In addition black pepper has a possibility to benumb the side effects of turmeric and supports overall health affectively.

However when turmeric and black pepper consumption is practiced in higher doses it may bring unfortunate condition like nausea, headache, rash and yellow stool. So we should be much attentive to use them in moderation.

Is Black Pepper okay for Dogs

As much aquatinted pet us, we have practiced to feed dog with any viand we usually consume. But, do we concern regarding the influences it may carry to dog? In fact when we feed our dog with a food seasoned or added with black pepper it is better to be inquisitive.

It is safe to consume small amount of black pepper to a dog. However it no acquires any special canine health benefit to them. Consumption of large portion of black pepper may cause many disastrous effects to your dog. Among them irritation in digestive system, hemorrhoids and respiratory disorders are prominent. When a dog eats black pepper corn or food seasoned with black pepper their stomach becomes upset due to the internal reactions. Therefore it is ideal not to feed the dog with pepper habitually.  If your dog experience vomiting or diarrhea after the consumption of black pepper call your veterinarian.

Black Pepper V White Pepper

Occasionally in day today life dining tables, we are introducing to dishes with black pepper. However there is another guy which comes from same plant Piper Nigrum. It is called white pepper as in appearance it seems to be white.

Though black pepper is produce by unripe berries of pepper allowing them to dry and to blackened, white pepper is manufactured by fully ripe berries of pepper. Then the berries are soaked in water and let them to ferment. After that the outer covering is removed while reaming the inner white seed. According to this methodology white pepper is produce.

According to many comments white pepper is not much pungent and piquant, but milder than the taste of black pepper. The main reason for that is the chemical substance is stripped away when removing the epidermis.

Black pepper can survive for a long time period without diminishing it properties. However white pepper quickly become stale and loses its flavor.  Both varieties possess similar healthy properties. White pepper is enhanced with flavonoids, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It also helps to maintain the blood pressure. Many people take white pepper by mouth to relief upset stomach, diarrhea, malaria and cancer. Sometimes it is applied to skin to reduce pain. As well as white pepper essential oil is used in aromatherapy.

In American cuisine the blazing pepper member is black pepper but this position is stolen by white pepper in Chinese, French, Vietnamese and Swedish cuisine. They use white pepper to prepare soups, marinades for meat and poultry and specimen stir-fries.

Accordingly black pepper is condiment enriched with uncountable healthy benefits. That’s why it still continues the same reputation of years out of count. As the eventual conclusion it can be accepted the moderate consumption of this amazing condiment for a better and healthier life style.

Recipes for Smoked Turkey Breast

Recipes for Smoked Turkey Breast

Smoked Turkey Breast

Smoked Turkey Breast is one of the most popular recipes among everyone in the food world. You can see how easy the preparation and smoking process. You will realize, How easy to barbecue some salt and pepper Tender, Juicy Smokey and Delicious Recipes for Smoked Turkey Breast.

Let’s get fired up and get started.

Hope this Recipe for Smoked Turkey Breast is the best one and will change your life. This is very good alternative for whole Turkey smoked Recipe.

How long does a Smoked Turkey Breast take?

Maintain smoker internal temperature around 300degree. It is depend on the size of the Turkey Breast. It should be done around 4hours. Keep smoking until breast hit at 167 °F this Recipe for Smoked Turkey Breast.

Prep the Turkey Breast

First thing take the skin off of these fresh Turkey Breasts because this not trying to render the skin down in this cook. They cook it with the skin off and they take their seasonings. Build this bark over the outside that’s where your entire flavor is so.  It’s exactly take a knife trims the skin off and you can also trim off any excess fat.

There you just really want to clean them up and you have a ton of great meat left. You’re not wasting much when you buy turkey breasts like this.

Take a little bit of olive oil and rub it on the Turkey breasts. You don’t need a whole, whole bunch. Normally like to use Parkway.  Some folks frown on that, but Parkway’s actually really good. On just about any meat. For some reason, when do poultry, do prefer to use olive oil.

Time to Seasoning for Smoked Turkey Breast

You can use any type of rub for season this recipe for Smoked Turkey Breast. Salt and Black pepper great for this. First do the pepper. Then Lay the garlic powder and bit of onion some herbs to make own version of nice way. Do not put lot of salt because already have salt in the meat solution. 

Put some seasoning on the bottom side of these breasts. Really want a good dose of it. Because I wanted to make that dark as it cooks.  You just want to hit all of it up and then flip each one over. Then do the top sides and next the edges.

I like about the salt and pepper. You can really see the coarseness of the pepper the flakes of salt mixed in with it a little bit of the herbs. All of the seasonings brown up. So it’s going to make these Turkey Breasts beautiful. So that looks good on the seasoning.

Time to Recipe for Smoking a Turkey Breast

Fill the fire basket up with some charcoals; also use couple of tumbleweeds to get the fire going in about 20 minutes. Start adding the wood now. Fire up your smoker to 275.

This Turkey Breasts on any kind of pit, you just want to keep it at that same temperature.

Ready to get these turkey breasts on the pit. Set them right in the middle

Every 45 minutes need to go back and add a piece of that post oak on there. Let that smoke roll all over this Turkey Breast. It’s been about 45 minutes look at the fire the pits still setting on 275. Keep adding another stick, that’ll be perfect check it again in about another 45 minutes. It’s been about two hours and this is the point where our turkey breast should have a beautiful color.

See they’ve kind of turned like golden color. You can still see the seasoning on the outside it’s all stuck to Smoked Turkey Breast.

Let’s wrap this Turkey Breast…

Look at the beautiful color on the side of the Turkey Breast. Some color going on the bottom side as well.  You can still see the seasonings.  The first thing is get some butter sticks and just sliced it in half.

Do you wrap Turkey Breast in foil when smoking?

It’ll lay that turkey breast right on it put another half a stick on top. Then wrap it up double layer a foil make sure everything stays inside. Turn it that way roughly pulls over. You can use the heavy-duty foil on this, so it won’t tear.

Put it right back on the pit skin side down it’s going right back on the pit down and put a thermal works dot in it. This one right here you just want to go in the thick part. I am looking for about 162. We know it’s going to carry over165 finished.

The best part I get to try it, I can’t wait all right you can see our dot going off these Turkey Breasts. When hit temp they’re setting it 162.

I came back after an hour, actually rotated them 160 degrees because it was getting more color on one side. If I rotated them 160 degrees right now.

Take these off and just let them rest in an aluminum pan sitting out to drop several degrees before cut them.

Smoked Turkey Breast Ready to go to the Cutting Board….

Let the Turkey Breasts hang out for about 20 minutes here on the cutting board. Just sitting at room temperature. Now take them out of the foil, see how they turned out is as good as it smells. It’s going to taste good and get them all out.

Still got our pepper and salt that created on the outside. Don’t throw buttery Turkey drippings away, because you can use that to serve. These back over to keep this turkey nice and moist. This can call Butter Turkey because it’s rich tasty and juicy.

You can use roast carving knife to cut it as thick or as thin as you want. Looking good, see it’s got a little smoke color still juicy and still plenty of moisture inside. This turkey you can feed a lot of people with one of these. Cut it off for you by the pound. How much ever you want, get probably two or three slices.

That’s salt and pepper looks fantastic and middle still juicy still a lot of moisture in it.

That offset smoker salt and pepper just makes a great seasoning on the outside and it has flavor through but its juicy Turkeys supposed to taste especially Smoked Turkey Breast one last little bite. This is the best Recipes for Smoked Turkey Breast.


  • 4 or 5lb Turkey Breast
  • 1tbsp Kosher salt
  • 3tps Olive oil
  • 1tbsp Black Pepper
  • 1tbsp Garlic Powder
  • 4 Butter stick


  • Take the skin off of from fresh Turkey Breasts and trim off any excess fat.
  • Use a little bit of olive oil and rubs it on the Turkey Breasts.
  • For the seasoning use Salt and Black pepper. Also Lay the garlic powder and bit of onion.
  • Pre heat your smoker around 275°F.
  • Transfer breasts in to the smoker.
  • Let the smoke for around two hours until the internal temperature hit 167°F.
  • Pull them out and wrap them with the butter sticks up double layer a foil make sure everything stays inside.
  • Let the smoke for again around 1hour.
  • Let rest 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Then slice and serve nicely.


  • Calories: 475kcal     
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g 
  • Carbohydrates: 6g    
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 2g 
  • Protein: 85g                
  • Trans Fat: 0.5g
  • Fat: 7g                         
  • Fiber: 0.8g
  • SaturatedFat: 2g 
  • Cholesterol: 195mg  
  • Sodium: 1743mg  
  • Potassium: 1381mg 
  • Sugar: 0.3g  
  • Vitamin A: 260IU 
  • Calcium: 68mg 
  •  Iron: 2mg
Turkey Smoked Recipe

Best Turkey Smoked Recipe

This Turkey Smoked Recipe is full of Smokey flavor, juicy meat, and tender; this way is the best way to Smoked Turkey. You can change this simple recipe as you wish. Full of flavored with Turkey smoked rub or herbs, Garlic, lemon and bit cinnamon.

Hope you will proud of this delicious Smoked Turkey. Keep reading step by step this whole cooking process.

What is Smoked Turkey?

This is the process of slow cooking whole turkey with the right smoke such as hardwood smoke like cherry, apple wood or mesquite. Those woods will add unique flavor to your Turkey Smoked Recipe. Soft wood not good for this because some time those chemical treated, it can contain resign and toxins that could affect your health.

Follow these steps for a delicious, perfect bird. First make sure it is completely thawed. Most of the time you need to give that turkey two, three, four days, depending on the size, to thaw inside the refrigerator.

Select the correct SizeTurkey for Turkey Smoke Recipe…

One person need 1-1.5pound turkey with full of meat plate. For the best dish 10 or 12 pound range turkey full enough. Especially for slow cooking process. This is very important of the meat reach the internal temperature.

Lot of people asking about: Should smoke Fresh or Frozen Turkey. Answer is it is totally depend on your taste, if you use frozen turkey, you need to give enough time for thaw completely for this Turkey Smoked Recipe.

When you chose turkey, make sure you use a lot less salt, like maybe half of the normal brine process.

Prep the Turkey….

Nothing worse than a dried out bland turkey is one that’s halfway cooked, deep down where the thighs are, which is the last part of the turkey that actually gets done. You want to dry this turkey up really well. Put a little bit of olive oil to help that rub stick. It also enhances the color. Couple of things to recommend that you check is the cavity.

Most important thing is you want to make sure you have nice, steady and consistent temperatures throughout the entire cooking process.

There’s nothing in here inside, but you want to make sure you check the neck cavity as well. Because this is where they usually have the giblets.

Reach your fingers in there; make sure there’s nothing else in there. So we have our turkey, very nice and dry. We’re going to take us a little bit of olive oil and just kind of drizzle it all over the turkey.

Spread it out with your other hand; make sure you get it on the wings, right up here under the thighs, all over that beautiful breast.

 I’m just going to use my, Wow!

Best way to Seasoning Smoked Turkey

You can use any kind of simple rub for seasoning. Combining garlic with the other fresh herbs and add salt, pepper and mixed all together with olive oil. Use really nice flavor enhancing ingredients.

When seasoning first do up side, make sure you get the fat of the wing and you can be fairly generous because we’re only going to do a one rub coat.

Twist it around and make sure we get some up under. Make sure you get it under the wing. Just a smudge, get it all over that breast. Do all the side and let that wing come.

You can be pretty generous on a turkey because it’s a big piece of meat. It’s going to cook in this case for about four hours. It’s going to sweat during the cooking process.

Next thing is tuck these wings under the breast just like that. Tie the drumsticks.

Next step is filling up this cavity with some aromatics and some vegetables I’ve got a poultry herb bundle.  Some lemon quartered, onion, some celery and adds a whole stick of butter. This is going to be a butter basted turkey. I want to get some of that butter flavor on the inside of the meat too.

 If you can throw some whole cloves of garlic in there. Also you can put whatever you want it’s going to fill up that void that space. That’s going to help it cook even it’ll hold everything inside. Cross the legs and tie them up just get you some butcher twine well.

That couple of ingredients in there are going to really steam. It will add some great flavor to the turkey. It is now ready to hit with the smoke for Turkey Smoke.

How long does it take to Smoke a Turkey

Pellet grill is set it for 300 degrees. It is better to smoke a turkey around 300degrees and it should be done in about four hours.

We’re going to go ahead and insert a meat probe. One right down here, part of the thigh that takes the longest to cook. Make sure you get past the bone, get down there a little bit deeper.

That’s going to help us monitor our internal temperatures. Get a little bit of smoke and want that heat to travel into the turkey slow.  Don’t push out any moisture. We want to try and keep as much moisture inside the turkey as we possibly can.

Check and bit rotate it. Give plenty of time to cook properly.

Let’s do little Bastey-baste. Take out the neck and drizzle a little bit of butter on there. Don’t want to put too much because don’t want to wipe off the rub.

After two and a half hours rotated the Turkey, also basted our Turkey the second time. Look at all that juice running out of there.

Keep smoking until the breast hits at 177 °F and our thigh at the deepest part. let that Turkey finish cooking nice and slow.

Look at this- Doesn’t that look good? Oh, yeah

It turned out beautiful, it looks gorgeous. Total cook time of about four hours almost to the dot.

Serving Turkey Smoked

We’re going to let it rest 15, 20 minutes. It’s time to start carving up this turkey. There are lots of different ways to carving a Turkey.

Remove this drumstick first and follow the line. Cut along the bottom here. Then remove the breasts before slicing Turkey.

Follow these Tips for a delicious Turkey smoked Dish.

  • Make sure it is completely thawed- you need to give that turkey two, three, four days, depending on the size, to thaw inside the refrigerator.
  • You want to make sure you have nice, steady and consistent temperatures throughout the entire cooking process.
  • Use some kind of a meat thermometer- Get something that’s good and accurate.
  • Brine your turkey for maximum moisture and flavor.
  • Make sure you cook it to where the thermometer reads somewhere around 155 to 165 in the deepest part of the thigh.
  • Baste it with some delicious butter- you can use a compound butter.
  • Make sure you rest that turkey at least 15 minutes or so to try and let the moisture stay inside the turkey.

Ingredients – Turkey Smoked Recipe

  • 12-15 pound Turkey – Thaw completely before cooking


  • 1Tbsp salt
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 Tsp  Pepper
  • 2Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Butter Stick


  • 1 Onion
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 Butter Stick


Prep The Turkey

  • Dry this turkey up really well. Put a little bit of olive oil to help that rub stick.
  • Remove neck and giblet.


  • Combining garlic with the other fresh herbs and add salt, pepper and mixed all together with olive oil.
  • Filling up this cavity with some aromatics and some vegetables, some lemon quartered, onion, some celery and adds a whole stick of butter.
  • Tie legs together over cavity use butcher twine.

Smoke the Turkey

  • Prep your smoker heat of 300 degrees F.
  •  Do little Bastey-baste.
  • After two and a half hours rotated the turkey.
  • Keep smoking until the breast hits at 177 °F let that turkey finish cooking nice and slow.

Rest and Serve

  • Carefully pull the Turkey from the smoker and rest 15-20 Minutes.
  • Crave and serve nicely Turkey smoke.


  • Serving: 1g                                Calories: 685kcal 
  • Carbohydrates: 5g                     Protein: 85g  
  • Fat: 35g                                     Saturated Fat: 15g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 8g             Monounsaturated Fat: 13g  
  • Trans Fat: 1g                             Cholesterol: 310mg 
  • Sodium: 1210mg                       Potassium: 964mg  
  • Fiber: 1g                                    Sugar: 1g  
  • Vitamin A:785IU                         Vitamin C: 12mg 
  • Calcium: 85mg                            Iron: 5mg

How to make Pork Rib on Grill

This fresh hot Pork Rib on Grill, juicy and tender pork and a simple, sweet home made fast recipe. Within couple of minutes of prep, this recipe is the best Pork Rib on Grill.

Pork Rib on Grill gives you all of life hacks to make the best ribs in the world in all of years smoking ribs learned so much and there’s a real science behind making good barbecue Pork Ribs on Grill.

Different Types of Ribs..

A good set of ribs always starts with good ingredients and that’s meat you want to get the right rack of ribs. There are two kinds the belly ribs and the spare ribs. The spare rib is the one that lays on top that sits here and the loin sits on top of it. That’s why the spare rib is so cheap.

Originally you see if the loin sits on top they cut the line off because, it’s a more expensive cut of meat. Then what you’re left with is a skinny bit of meat that sits on top of bones. Basically it’s a waste product and that’s the authentic spare rib.

Get Ready the Pork Rib

Before you can start seasoning your ribs need to prepare. First need to use my dinner knife to wedge in between the bone and the membrane working my way to the other side and then putting my finger through and pulling the whole thing off, trim off the ends to make it look good.

Why should you remove membrane?

The membrane known as peritoneum or colloquially. Generally it is called as silver skin. When you remove membrane from pork rib will get best end product. The membrane can be rubbery and not nice flavor. If you want full taste of real soft meat and smoky flavor you should remove membrane from your ribs.

Time to Seasoning….

Keep your ribs simple. Ready your salt and pepper. Have to select right sea salt. Which is a light sea salt, it is so delicate and fluffy but it is really special when you cook with it, will melt and builds up a structure.

It turns your ordinary ribs into amazing ribs and of course to that add fresh ground black pepper it’s as simple as that this stuff is amazing and i can’t get you can even grill your ribs with your salt and pepper. Also can use Classic American BBQ Rub it consists of onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper and salt.

Let’s fire up Barbecue…

Next step is set up your grill. This is very important because specifically to smoke ribs. You want to have indirect heat and also need smoke. Using hard wood, that is very easy. Because it will burn for a long time.

Time to light up the charcoal. Don’t use starter fluids that have chemicals in them, stay away from them chemicals. They will make your barbecue smell and eventually make your food smell.

You can use for instance apple wood a fruit would because we’re smoking pork a chunk like this. Beautiful apple wood light and fruity in flavor. This will add strong smoke flavor.

After seasoning let them sit for at least 1 hour before cooking. This gives the meat time to absorb all of real flavor.

It’s time to put Ribs on Grill..

Once ribs start picking up smoke color you’re heading in the right direction. But you want to make sure that they get the flavor that you’re looking for.

If you want to sauce the ribs use best sauce on it, if you’re going to spray them, spray them in the smoking phase.

If you’re going to sauce them you move that to the total end of the cooking period so it’s just when they’re almost finished just layer on a little bit of barbecue sauce warm on that sauce up on the ribs and that’s it for now just a little bit of spray will do.

Cook somewhere around 195 ºF and 210 ºF for get perfectly smoked ribs. Now it’s time to start wrapping pork ribs. The best way to keep your ribs moist and juicy is to wrap them during the cooking process and for wrapping.

You got two options aluminum foil or butcher’s paper both are going to work fine is that the cooking period wrapped for ribs is not long enough. If you’re cooking brisket or beef ribs it definitely makes a difference but with spare ribs no doesn’t make a difference so choose whatever you like these are our natural ribs.

Like to wrap my ribs once i like the smoke color. If they turn mahogany red.

If you can clearly see the color change that’s when you know you can wrap them normally one and a half hour of smoke.

Ribs should do the trick of course it also depends how much smoke wood you’re actually using and that’s why the collar is the best.

It’s time for them to go back on the barbecue because they need to continue to cook until they’re completely done.

This is not the three two one method. It’s more like one and a half and an hour or one and a half and two hours. It’s depending on how quick they are and how do you know when they’re done.

It is to thermometer not to measure the temperature but just to let them sink into the meat and check out. If they’re done or not and if you have too much resistance like a little resistance is good. But too much resistance no good if you like them fall off the bone you should be able to just tear the ribs.

Let’s take a look inside look at that great smoke color oh fantastic juicy steel now. These ribs are not that thick so you’re not going to have the whole smoke ring thing except, everything pink. This is the authentic idea behind the rib waste turned into gold now if you want to make.


  • Back Ribs
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper Powder
  • Classic American BBQ Rub


Prep the pork rib

  • Shop fresh Pork Ribs.
  • Remove membrane using knife and trim Rib properly.
  • Put the Salt and Pepper powder on to the rib.
  • Sprinkle the Classic American Rub.
  • After seasoning let them sit for at least 1 hour before cooking.

Prep the Smoker

  • Pre- Heat smoker to 195F to 210F.
  • When the smoker ready, Transfer rib on the smoker bone side down.
  • Close the lid and allow the rib to smoke.

Wrap the Rib

  • Carefully remove Rib from the smoker and wrap them properly.
  • You can use aluminum foil or butcher’s paper for wrap.

Rest and Serve

  • Cook another 1hour; they need to continue to cook until they’re completely done.
  • Rest the ribs another 5 to 10 Minutes.
  • Slicing the meat with the bones.


Serving: 1g  Calories: 570kcal

Carbohydrates: 40g  Protein: 20g 

Fat: 45g  Saturated Fat: 20g 

Polyunsaturated Fat: 10g  Monounsaturated Fat: 12g 

TransFat: 1g  Cholesterol: 105mg 

Sodium: 1910mg  Fiber: 1g 

Vitamin A: 1120IU Calcium: 75mg

Iron: 1mg

Best Way to Cook Tomahawk Steak in 2022

Best Way to Cook Tomahawk Steak in 2023..

There is couple of key things better than the flavor of perfectly juicy marbled and beefy steaks cooked over an open fire. This Tomahawk Steak gets a hit with smoke from the flame that puts it over the top! Easier to make than you might think, let’s get ready to rock and roll to cook Tomahawk Steak today. Going to show you best way to cook tomahawk steak in 2023……..

Tomahawk Steak

What is a Tomahawk Steak?

The Tomahawk steak is basically a Ribeye beef steak specifically cut with at least five elevation of mock bone left complete. The extra-long, French trimmed bone utilizes the same culinary fashion that shapes a rack of angel. Cut and trim the bone of meat also fat to the point where it shapes like handle.

What is the best way to cook a Tomahawk Steak?

A little arranges goes a long way, when it comes time to hit the fire. The best experience of this recipe is that if you have a real fire to cook tomahawk steak. This is the perfect simple and easy recipe to cook, because you feel like tearing into a troglodyte-sized piece of meat; a tomahawk steak is so look well impressive and tasty.

Ready the Tomahawk Steak….

These steaks have a little bit of fat on them you don’t want to trim it all off but the thick pieces you might want to trim it down so let’s start with that. Tomahawk steak needs to be trimmed very well remove the fat properly.

The first thing that, I’m going to do to this tomahawk Steak is get some salt, pepper and garlic on it. I want to get that base foundation flavor my rub is great for this.


When the salt is put to the raw meat then inside liquid meat is drawn to the surface. The salt then mixed with that meat liquid, forming a kind of brine that is, then step by step reabsorbed into the meat.

This is the most important step on this process, seasoning the stake. Need to do all sides and edges of it a big piece of beef. It can take it so you just want to flip it over make sure you get the edges all that fat is going to cook down and give it some great flavor.

After that let it hang out needs about 35 to 40 minutes setting out at normal room temperature. You don’t have to stick it back in the refrigerator. It’s going to start working on this beef. It’s going to penetrate it. I am going to get some of that flavor deep down in it now’s a great time.

How to set up your fire for Tomahawk Steak….

For the best Tomahawk steak experiences need real fire. We’re going to fire up the grill. Check it out so I’m going to fire up my pk360 and I’m just going to use a charcoal of royal oak briquettes got a couple of wax cubes to get the fire going. It’s going to take about 15 minutes these coals will be fire hot. Once those coals are getting hot just dump them in and set up a two zone fire today in the pk.

For the best Tomahawk steak experiences need real fire. We’re going to fire up the grill. Check it out so I’m going to fire up my pk360 and I’m just going to use a charcoal of royal oak briquettes got a couple of wax cubes to get the fire going. It’s going to take about 15 minutes these coals will be fire hot. Once those coals are getting hot just dump them in and set up a two zone fire today in the pk.

Ready to cook your Tomahawk steak….

It’s kind of making that rub a little tricky. This will give it a great little crust on top and really yummy food experience. We get it over on those hot grill grates the next thing; I’m going to do to it right before we put it on the grill is hit it with a little coarse rub and I’m using my steak grub.  

You can use any kind of flavors or special rub to get real experience. You want to season a tomahawk steak like this, like simple and special flavors salt and pepper go for it. Make sure it is depend on your taste.  This recipe you can change your own way. Need to do slowly and carefully with a layer of this coarse ground steak rub around and all the side of the stake.

You don’t need to put more and really heavy with it. But this make a nice bark too also it gives it a little crunchy on top as those flavors cook.

We’re going to take it off probably around 125 degrees and then, finish it off. After 35 minutes in so let’s check on these steaks and get them based.

Get yourself a brush and make sure you apply it nice and liberally. Get them basted so let’s close it back up and we’ll come back in about 20 minutes and see how it’s looking all right.

We got the steaks at 120 degrees so we take them off we’re going to sear them on the grill and hopefully have some good steaks before they’re on the grill we’re going to give it one more base.  We’re going hit it with some more seasoning all right let’s get on the grill.

This is going to be screaming hot ready for that stake saying. We’re ready to put this thing on I’m just going to lay it right on the rack kind of at an angle and we’re going to press down make sure get some good contact. Then we need to set a timer.

Grill at 450 degrees we’re going to seal these, until they hit 135 degrees. All right pulled them off around 130 degrees so time to let them rest.

How long should you let steak rest?

After finished cook the steak, resting time is very important step. I’ll probably let it rest for about 10-15 minutes because the heat of cuisine pulls the authorities in the meat toward the face. All of those scrumptious, amazing authorities will end up on the plate, if you incontinently slice into it after cooking. Allowing your steak to rest will give the authorities time to sink back in throughout the meat, keeping it scrumptious when eating.

What to serve with a Tomahawk Steak

This steak full of rich fatty and good steak. If you need to add something with this yummy steak, yes try with mac and chees or potato salad.

  • Cut the steak separate from big bone.
  • Slice the meat.
  • Present nicely with the bone.

Here to give it a try because what is a good recipe if you don’t make it to feed the people you love I certainly could use a Backyard Barbecue Hero moment……….


  • 2 tomahawk steaks with bone.
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • Garlic
  • Butter
  • Rosemary
  • Black pepper


Prep the Steak:

  • Tomahawk steak needs to be trimmed very well remove the fat properly.
  • Put liberally salt and pepper to the steak and pat properly.
  • Keep the steak for 35 minutes before grilling the coals ready for grilling.
  •  Apply the Butter, garlic and rosemary base to the steak on the both side properly coating.

Smoke the steak:

  • Ready your grill at 450 degrees and seal until they hit 135 degrees.
  • Heat both side of the steak and flipping them.
  • Pulled them off from the grill.


Tent with foil and let it rest probably about 10 to 15 minutes. Add more butter and take it to whole new level.


  • Slice the stake from the bone.
  • Present nicely with the bone.


  • Serving: 1g                      Calories: 214kcal               
  • Carbohydrates: 1g           Protein: 15g 
  • Fat: 17g                           Saturated Fat: 8g 
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g   Monounsaturated Fat: 7g 
  • Trans Fat: 1g                    Cholesterol: 61mg 
  • Sodium: 1248mg              Potassium: 217mg    
  • Fiber: 1g                           Sugar: 1g 
  • Vitamin A: 191IU               Vitamin C: 1mg 
  • Calcium: 21mg                  Iron: 2mg

Grilled Chicken Thighs

Grilled Chicken Thighs

Everyone loves smoky flavor chicken thighs, and once your family and rubs so dinner is never boring. Keep reading for the best-grilled chicken thigh recipe and you’ll want to make this real meal. Other get a taste of these juicy and delicious chicken thighs, they’ll think you’re some kind of magical smoker!

Smoked chicken thighs are very easy, delicious, and full of smoky flavor. Either boneless or bone-in — are a good choice for the grill.

Choose your favorite different vegetable on the grill alongside thighs and you have a quick and easy summertime meal. This recipe uses flavorful marinades and seasoning.

How do you pick out good Chicken Thighs??

Most people like to use bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs but according to your taste, you can totally choose a boneless, skinless variety. Good thing that the crispy skin really adds value to your real meal. Arguably tastiest part of the chicken thighs is a mushy little parcel of tender, juicy meat from the top of the leg. Generally, the thighs are cheaper than the breast.

We have the best eating experience. Every bite is delicious and they cook uniformly on the grill because packed full of that dark meat chicken flavor.

Ready the Chicken Thighs…

Thighs need to be trimmed very well. They have skinny wonky edges; everywhere needs trimming down well giving a really good great eating experience.

Take any excess pieces of fat or skin that are hanging around until you can roll chicken thighs into a nice little uniform rectangular shape like a little pillow.

Time to prep Thighs for the Seasoning.

This is a very important step. If you throw your seasoning onto the thighs, it will adhere really well. You will get good smoke and lots of flavors.

For this recipe, I used Mojo Criollo by Goya. It’s one of the favorite marinades on the market for chicken and it can be found at just about any grocery store.


But if you want to really bite the through chicken skin that is not leathery, a really important step is a coating on the chicken thighs. It will help to prevent the drying that occurs in the lower temperature smoker that actually dehydrates the skin and turns it leathery. For this, you can use your favorite spray oil. Make sure pretty liberal on the outside of each of your chicken thighs.

This is going to help any of those loose pieces of rub adhere to the chicken without having to press it down or rub it on and just one more little layer of protection for our chicken skin in the smoker. Now, these Thighs are ready to go into our cooker .


To help us out with keeping this chicken juicy, flavorful, and Smokey also the texture that we’re looking for is to run your smoker at a higher temperature than you normally would. I like to rock these Thighs at about 275 degrees Fahrenheit.

Setup your Smoker……

Prep your smoker for 350-F, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean and oil the grates.

A favorite wood for smoking but I think chicken works nicely with fruit woods like an apple or a cherry, especially where we’re going to be using a fruity barbecue sauce and that’s a nice flavor combination. It’ll give you a light wood smoke, beautiful color, and at two seventy-five, that heat is going to render the fat out of our skin quickly enough that we should develop a great bite through texture.

Gently transfer. We season them so beautifully. You don’t want to mess any of that up right onto your grill grates. Now, we’ve got those skin side up so again, that fat can render around the chicken as it’s smoking all that delicious flavor goodness.

We’re going to close the lid and let these go for about 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes depending on how big your chicken thighs are. These are chunky, chunky chicken thighs. So, they’re probably going to take closer to that hour and 15-minute mark until they’re ready for our next step which is saucing but for this step, we’re looking for an internal temperature in our chicken thighs of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. I just checked the temp on our chicken thighs.

They’re rocking and rolling right at 165 where we want them. That means they’re fully cooked in terms of food safety but for chicken thighs, my target temperature is a little bit higher about one seventy-five.


That’s because that’s when that tighter connected tissue starts to break down and you’ll have a much more enjoyable, almost bite-off-the-bone experience.

Before you eat them but first, we need to hit them with sauce.

 I’m going to be using my whiskey peach sauce, it’s sweet, it’s savory, it’s tangy, and It is a total crowd-pleaser. The whole family loves it but you can use your favorite barbecue sauce at home or even have a recipe for this whiskey peach sauce if you’d rather make it than buy it but if you buy it, that’s cool too. Now, no matter what sauce you use to baste your chicken thighs, it is going to result in softer skin.

This is not a crispy skin thigh recipe. If you are wanting crispy skin, skip the sauce, and crank the temperature up on your grill to three seventy-five, 40 degrees. That’ll give you that crispier exterior that you’re looking for.

Tips :

You just have to watch them closely so they don’t burn. The sugar on the outside of those chicken thighs in the rub can caramelize quickly. So keep an eye on them. It should only take a couple of minutes.

For me, we’re going for that yummy, bite-through, saucy, soft skin. Another note about the sauce, no matter what sauce you’re using, try to pick one that doesn’t have any liquid smoke in it. You just spend an hour adding natural wood smoke flavor to your meat.

Tips: Don’t cover it up with the sauce that is added to liquid smoke.

It’ll overtake the natural smokiness that you just put in there. Our chicken thighs are off of the smoker and its looks like the cartoon popping ice.


Look at how beautiful these are……..

Literally, two seconds of trimming out of the package, spray rub, spray, smoke, and sauce. It’s like a lot of essences but really it was super simple. They’re like show-stopper chicken thighs with the least amount of effort ever.

 It’s not uncommon to see a ring of pink around the outside. Now, that’s just the smoke ring. That means that the smoke has impacted the proteins. It doesn’t mean they’re undercooked. We used our accurate thermometer. We know that they’re cooked properly but they are a little pink. They are most definitely juicy.

The flavor is sweet and succulent. Chicken thighs are so rich too and that skin just bites through and melts away love every single thing about these. Okay,

Here to give it a try because what is a good recipe if you don’t make it to feed the people you love I certainly could use a Backyard Barbecue Hero moment……….


  • 6lbs Chicken thighs bone in, skin on.
  • 3 cups marinade If you don’t want to use a store bought marinate, you can make your own using a base of one part oil, one part acid (e.g. vinegar, citrus juice, or wine), and then one part seasoning
  • 1table spoon Salt
  • BBQ sauce – Bottle of favorite BBQ source for the recipe
  • 2 table spoon chicken rub


Prep the chicken

  • Start by trimming any excess skin or fat off your chicken thighs.
  • Place the thighs in a container, or large Ziploc bag, and pour the marinade on top. Make sure thigh is well-coated in the marinade and fully submerged.
  • Cover/seal the container and store in the fridge for up to 24 hours.

Ready your Smoker

  • Pre-heat your smoker to 300°F.
  • Clean and oil grill grates.

Smoke the Chicken Thighs

  • Transfer the seasoned chicken to a wire rack or jerky tray.
  • Put the chicken on the smoker and let it smoke for about 45 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches around 165°F.
  • Rotating the position of each thigh halfway through so that all pieces are being cooked evenly.


  • Coat the chicken in your favorite barbecue sauce.
  • Working in batches, sear the chicken, skin side down until lightly charred and skin is crisp, flip and cook 2 to 3 minutes longer.
  • Remove from the grill and place on a platter tented with foil to rest for 5 minutes before serving.
  • Serve hot with additional BBQ sauce if desired.


  • Calories: 470kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 47g
  • Protein: 24g
  • Fat: 19g
  • Saturated Fat: 5g
  • Trans | Polyunsaturated Fat: 7g
  • Fat: 1g
  • Cholesterol: 111mg
  • Sodium: 3893mg
  • Potassium: 441mg
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Sugar: 37g
  • Vitamin A: 1008IU
  • Vitamin C: 1mg
  • Calcium: 35mg
  • Iron: 2mg