Best Way to Cook Tomahawk Steak in 2022

Best Way to Cook Tomahawk Steak in 2023..

There is couple of key things better than the flavor of perfectly juicy marbled and beefy steaks cooked over an open fire. This Tomahawk Steak gets a hit with smoke from the flame that puts it over the top! Easier to make than you might think, let’s get ready to rock and roll to cook Tomahawk Steak today. Going to show you best way to cook tomahawk steak in 2023……..

Tomahawk Steak

What is a Tomahawk Steak?

The Tomahawk steak is basically a Ribeye beef steak specifically cut with at least five elevation of mock bone left complete. The extra-long, French trimmed bone utilizes the same culinary fashion that shapes a rack of angel. Cut and trim the bone of meat also fat to the point where it shapes like handle.

What is the best way to cook a Tomahawk Steak?

A little arranges goes a long way, when it comes time to hit the fire. The best experience of this recipe is that if you have a real fire to cook tomahawk steak. This is the perfect simple and easy recipe to cook, because you feel like tearing into a troglodyte-sized piece of meat; a tomahawk steak is so look well impressive and tasty.

Ready the Tomahawk Steak….

These steaks have a little bit of fat on them you don’t want to trim it all off but the thick pieces you might want to trim it down so let’s start with that. Tomahawk steak needs to be trimmed very well remove the fat properly.

The first thing that, I’m going to do to this tomahawk Steak is get some salt, pepper and garlic on it. I want to get that base foundation flavor my rub is great for this.


When the salt is put to the raw meat then inside liquid meat is drawn to the surface. The salt then mixed with that meat liquid, forming a kind of brine that is, then step by step reabsorbed into the meat.

This is the most important step on this process, seasoning the stake. Need to do all sides and edges of it a big piece of beef. It can take it so you just want to flip it over make sure you get the edges all that fat is going to cook down and give it some great flavor.

After that let it hang out needs about 35 to 40 minutes setting out at normal room temperature. You don’t have to stick it back in the refrigerator. It’s going to start working on this beef. It’s going to penetrate it. I am going to get some of that flavor deep down in it now’s a great time.

How to set up your fire for Tomahawk Steak….

For the best Tomahawk steak experiences need real fire. We’re going to fire up the grill. Check it out so I’m going to fire up my pk360 and I’m just going to use a charcoal of royal oak briquettes got a couple of wax cubes to get the fire going. It’s going to take about 15 minutes these coals will be fire hot. Once those coals are getting hot just dump them in and set up a two zone fire today in the pk.

For the best Tomahawk steak experiences need real fire. We’re going to fire up the grill. Check it out so I’m going to fire up my pk360 and I’m just going to use a charcoal of royal oak briquettes got a couple of wax cubes to get the fire going. It’s going to take about 15 minutes these coals will be fire hot. Once those coals are getting hot just dump them in and set up a two zone fire today in the pk.

Ready to cook your Tomahawk steak….

It’s kind of making that rub a little tricky. This will give it a great little crust on top and really yummy food experience. We get it over on those hot grill grates the next thing; I’m going to do to it right before we put it on the grill is hit it with a little coarse rub and I’m using my steak grub.  

You can use any kind of flavors or special rub to get real experience. You want to season a tomahawk steak like this, like simple and special flavors salt and pepper go for it. Make sure it is depend on your taste.  This recipe you can change your own way. Need to do slowly and carefully with a layer of this coarse ground steak rub around and all the side of the stake.

You don’t need to put more and really heavy with it. But this make a nice bark too also it gives it a little crunchy on top as those flavors cook.

We’re going to take it off probably around 125 degrees and then, finish it off. After 35 minutes in so let’s check on these steaks and get them based.

Get yourself a brush and make sure you apply it nice and liberally. Get them basted so let’s close it back up and we’ll come back in about 20 minutes and see how it’s looking all right.

We got the steaks at 120 degrees so we take them off we’re going to sear them on the grill and hopefully have some good steaks before they’re on the grill we’re going to give it one more base.  We’re going hit it with some more seasoning all right let’s get on the grill.

This is going to be screaming hot ready for that stake saying. We’re ready to put this thing on I’m just going to lay it right on the rack kind of at an angle and we’re going to press down make sure get some good contact. Then we need to set a timer.

Grill at 450 degrees we’re going to seal these, until they hit 135 degrees. All right pulled them off around 130 degrees so time to let them rest.

How long should you let steak rest?

After finished cook the steak, resting time is very important step. I’ll probably let it rest for about 10-15 minutes because the heat of cuisine pulls the authorities in the meat toward the face. All of those scrumptious, amazing authorities will end up on the plate, if you incontinently slice into it after cooking. Allowing your steak to rest will give the authorities time to sink back in throughout the meat, keeping it scrumptious when eating.

What to serve with a Tomahawk Steak

This steak full of rich fatty and good steak. If you need to add something with this yummy steak, yes try with mac and chees or potato salad.

  • Cut the steak separate from big bone.
  • Slice the meat.
  • Present nicely with the bone.

Here to give it a try because what is a good recipe if you don’t make it to feed the people you love I certainly could use a Backyard Barbecue Hero moment……….


  • 2 tomahawk steaks with bone.
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • Garlic
  • Butter
  • Rosemary
  • Black pepper


Prep the Steak:

  • Tomahawk steak needs to be trimmed very well remove the fat properly.
  • Put liberally salt and pepper to the steak and pat properly.
  • Keep the steak for 35 minutes before grilling the coals ready for grilling.
  •  Apply the Butter, garlic and rosemary base to the steak on the both side properly coating.

Smoke the steak:

  • Ready your grill at 450 degrees and seal until they hit 135 degrees.
  • Heat both side of the steak and flipping them.
  • Pulled them off from the grill.


Tent with foil and let it rest probably about 10 to 15 minutes. Add more butter and take it to whole new level.


  • Slice the stake from the bone.
  • Present nicely with the bone.


  • Serving: 1g                      Calories: 214kcal               
  • Carbohydrates: 1g           Protein: 15g 
  • Fat: 17g                           Saturated Fat: 8g 
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g   Monounsaturated Fat: 7g 
  • Trans Fat: 1g                    Cholesterol: 61mg 
  • Sodium: 1248mg              Potassium: 217mg    
  • Fiber: 1g                           Sugar: 1g 
  • Vitamin A: 191IU               Vitamin C: 1mg 
  • Calcium: 21mg                  Iron: 2mg

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