The Black peppers, a renowned member of condiments is in every cuisine at each corner of the world. It is one of the earliest spices in use and at and at the present it is widely used all over the world. Not like the other spices it plays a major role in every dining table. Mostly every dish of the every three meals are nourished, decorated, flavored and give health benefits of black peppers to the human body.

Black Pepper V White Pepper

Occasionally in day today life dining tables, we are introducing to dishes with black pepper. However there is another guy which comes from same plant Piper Nigrum. It is called white pepper as in appearance it seems to be white.

Though black pepper is produce by unripe berries of pepper allowing them to dry and to blackened, white pepper is manufactured by fully ripe berries of pepper. Then the berries are soaked in water and let them to ferment. After that the outer covering is removed while reaming the inner white seed. According to this methodology white pepper is produce.

According to many comments white pepper is not much pungent and piquant, but milder than the taste of black pepper. The main reason for that is the chemical substance is stripped away when removing the epidermis.

Health Benefits of Black Peppers

The Black peppers, a renowned member of condiments is in every cuisine at each corner of the world. It is one of the earliest spices in use and at and at the present it is widely used all over the world. Not like the other spices it plays a major role in every dining table. Mostly every dish of the every three meals are nourished, decorated, flavored and give health benefits of black peppers to the human body.

In fact majority of the people consume black pepper and it stands rigidly in the menu surpassing the other condiments due to its enormous Contribution to the Life span and Beneficial effects. Under this will talk about what health benefits of black peppers add to meals.Evolutionary Black Pepper is categorized under the kingdom Plantoe and family Piperaceae. Scientifically this condiment is referred to as Piper Nigrum. There are many varieties of pepper and black pepper bulks among them due to its special properties

Where does Black Peppercorn come from?

Black pepper was used in ancient time period as a condiment as well as in other fields too. However arrival of it is recorded from India. As the native land of black pepper, the state of Kerala in India is considered.

The history of usage of black pepper runs towards the Ancient Egyptian civilization and it reveals that black pepper was used to preserve mummies and as evidence the archaeologists have excavated a body of mummy whose nostrils have been stuffed with pepper in order to keep it clean. According to the ancient Roman cook book”Apicius” written in 4 AD, the usage of Black pepper was very high in that era. Ancient Greeks and Romans loved Black pepper much and added their diet.

However at present it is grown in every tropical region in large scale as it bears fruits perennially. It is widely cultivated throughout Indonesia and has been introduced into tropical areas of African continent and the western hemisphere.

Vietnam currently maintains the cultivation of black pepper in large scale and exports them to various countries fulfilling a greater portion of world supply.  In addition, the desire of testing this little piquant spice drove the explorers like Vasko De Gama, Colombus , towards the eastern part of globe.

Is Black Pepper Good For You?

Though it is minute size, it is activity is comprehensive and uncountable. In fact Black Pepper is condiment which assists people in an auxiliary manner giving them many benefits for the existence. As a matter of fact, Black pepper is healthy for use from cradle to grove and age difference can be neglected when consuming it as it contains much beneficial influences.

Black pepper is rich with many nutrients such as Thiamine,Riboflavin,Vitamin C ,Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Vitamin K. It is also rich source of minerals like Zinc, magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorous and calcium. Presence of dietary fiber is also high in black pepper. Accordingly, if anyone has doubts regarding the consumption of black pepper. It will clear after being familiar with these nutritional conditions of it.

Contribution of Black Pepper for a Healthy Life

01. A strong Antioxidant

Antioxidant are referred to as the compounds that protect cell damage caused by free radicals which are formed as a result of poor diet, sun exposure, smoking, pollutants. Black pepper is a source containing much antioxidants and majority of composition is covered by the antioxidant called Piperine, the most abundant chemical compound in black pepper. This piperine helps to protect cells from free radicals.

In one study, it was exposed that black pepper extract is able to resist over the action of radicals in a fat preparation.  In another study, scientists were able to note that black pepper has the potential to stop up 85% of cellular damage caused due to the cancer development. Therefore uncontroversial   it can be accepted that black pepper is a good and powerful antioxidant.

02. Absorption of Nutrients

Black pepper has the potential of enhancing the absorption of various kinds of nutrients as well as some other beneficial components into our body. The organic compound piperine found in black pepper increases the absorption of circuit abundant in turmeric which has many anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties. It also boosts absorption of resveratrol, a red wine compound that reduce a person’s risk for the brain disorders and heart problems. Some researchers have proved that black pepper improves the absorption of beta-carotene, an antioxidant compound abundant in vegetables and fruits which can prevent heart diseases. Instead of taking beta-carotene alone, consumption with piperine improves the blood level in adults.

03. Promote Digestion and Reduce Diarrhea

Black pepper assists many people in their digestive cases. It convinces the stomach actions and improves digestion. Black pepper stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes which prevent feeling full after meals and it also accelerate the release of enzymes in pancreas  and intestine which help for the digestion of carbs and fat.  Black pepper also facilitates the transition of food through GI tract.

Black pepper aids to inhabit diarrhea by decreasing muscle spams in digestive tract and slowing the digestion of foods. It also have revealed that piperine in doses of 4.5mg per pound of body weight is comparable to the common antidiarrheal medication lope amide. Likewise black pepper engages in enormous contribution for digestion as well as for treating diarrhea.

04. Reduce Blood Sugar Compositions

Diabetes is a contemporary disease common among social groups due to the difference occurred in their blood sugar levels. Piperine in black pepper maintains blood sugar levels (glucose level) by improving metabolic performance. It also enhances the sensitivity of Insulin, a hormone influenced for diabetic conditions. This Piperine found in black pepper has the ability to discourage the function of some digestive enzymes which converts complex carbohydrates and sucrose into glucose. And Piperine stands as a bio enhancer for metformin which used as a common medication for diabetes.

05. Maintenance of Cholesterol Level

Piperinein Black pepper debilitates the enzymes which promote the formation of fat and it attempts to remove fat. As well as Piperine prevents the absorption of bile, an acidic digestive juice which facilitates the absorption and digestion of fat. Black pepper lowers the LDL cholesterol level and it diminishes the risk for heart diseases. In addition it increases the HDL cholesterol level which is friendly for human life.

Assistance of Black Pepper for Mental Health


Black pepper provides its services   maximum as a good natural antidepressant. The anxiety is caused due to the high level of oxidative stress in the brain. Piperinein in black pepper inhibits the levels of oxidative stress and prevent damaging of brain cells. While Piperinein controls the release of Monoamine oxidase, a responsible substance for depression it also induce the release of happy hormone like serotonin and dopamine. Therefor black pepper become a natural antidepressant curse many depressed patients.

Promote Brain Health

Piperinein in the black pepper becomes competent to attenuate the enzyme which breaks down the calming neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine while reducing the risk of causing degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Not only that but also Piperinein protects the nerves of brain and reduce the formation of plaque.   

Reduce Pseudo seizure

Due to the long term mental stress a kind of seizure the Pseudo seizures occurred. Piperinein reduce this condition by the proper synchronization of the nerve activity in brain and controlling the flow of calcium.

Turmeric with Black Pepper Benefits

Turmeric a member of ginger family which is also referred to as Indian saffron is a condiment which has been able to beguile the kitchen maid since ancient eras. Scientifically it is introduced as Circuma Longa and native to south East Asia. It has become an essential condiment for every cuisine as it a lot of benefits.

The active compound can be within the turmeric is Circumin and it has a magical ability to act as a antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antifungal substance. However the inauspicious fact is Circumin in turmeric has poor bioavailability. It has minimum tendency of absorption. So to work this magic, black pepper comes as helping hand. Piperinein in black pepper is potent to increase the bioavailability of Circumin and to obtain its maximum advantages. When Piperinein combine with Circumin, it enhances the absorption of Circumin into body as well as blood stream in 2000%. This combination assists to improve joint mobility by reducing the aging of joints and supports to the digestion as well as to internal cleansing.

So many people suffer from various diseased conditions like ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome use black pepper and turmeric In order to manage those and to cure them. In addition black pepper has a possibility to benumb the side effects of turmeric and supports overall health affectively.

However when turmeric and black pepper consumption is practiced in higher doses it may bring unfortunate condition like nausea, headache, rash and yellow stool. So we should be much attentive to use them in moderation.

Is Black Pepper okay for Dogs

As much aquatinted pet us, we have practiced to feed dog with any viand we usually consume. But, do we concern regarding the influences it may carry to dog? In fact when we feed our dog with a food seasoned or added with black pepper it is better to be inquisitive.

It is safe to consume small amount of black pepper to a dog. However it no acquires any special canine health benefit to them. Consumption of large portion of black pepper may cause many disastrous effects to your dog. Among them irritation in digestive system, hemorrhoids and respiratory disorders are prominent. When a dog eats black pepper corn or food seasoned with black pepper their stomach becomes upset due to the internal reactions. Therefore it is ideal not to feed the dog with pepper habitually.  If your dog experience vomiting or diarrhea after the consumption of black pepper call your veterinarian.

Black Pepper V White Pepper

Occasionally in day today life dining tables, we are introducing to dishes with black pepper. However there is another guy which comes from same plant Piper Nigrum. It is called white pepper as in appearance it seems to be white.

Though black pepper is produce by unripe berries of pepper allowing them to dry and to blackened, white pepper is manufactured by fully ripe berries of pepper. Then the berries are soaked in water and let them to ferment. After that the outer covering is removed while reaming the inner white seed. According to this methodology white pepper is produce.

According to many comments white pepper is not much pungent and piquant, but milder than the taste of black pepper. The main reason for that is the chemical substance is stripped away when removing the epidermis.

Black pepper can survive for a long time period without diminishing it properties. However white pepper quickly become stale and loses its flavor.  Both varieties possess similar healthy properties. White pepper is enhanced with flavonoids, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It also helps to maintain the blood pressure. Many people take white pepper by mouth to relief upset stomach, diarrhea, malaria and cancer. Sometimes it is applied to skin to reduce pain. As well as white pepper essential oil is used in aromatherapy.

In American cuisine the blazing pepper member is black pepper but this position is stolen by white pepper in Chinese, French, Vietnamese and Swedish cuisine. They use white pepper to prepare soups, marinades for meat and poultry and specimen stir-fries.

Accordingly black pepper is condiment enriched with uncountable healthy benefits. That’s why it still continues the same reputation of years out of count. As the eventual conclusion it can be accepted the moderate consumption of this amazing condiment for a better and healthier life style.

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