Brisket Slow Cooked in Oven 2023

Brisket Slow Cooked in Oven 2023

Texas-style brisket that’s so delicious so juicy, barky and Smokey. Brisket is the BBQ King. This is full of protein and various nutrition. To get the best flavor and texture experience need to select the best Brisket.

This Brisket slow cooked in oven is really help in the winter time because couldn’t access to the Grill or Smoker. Keep Reading for This Brisket slow cooked in oven is seasoned with Smokey Rub and cooked slow and low in oven.

Under this Brisket Slow Cooked in Oven process you will get idea about

  • Trimming Brisket
  • Seasoning Brisket
  • Wrapping Brisket
  • Cooking Brisket
  • Resting Brisket

How to Choose Best Brisket Beef or Pork?

If you want to choose best Brisket that has consist with more marbling or thin white flecks of fat. Always fat equal different flavors. More fat means will get more tender and Smokey brisket.

When you want to choose best brisket beef or pork can see marbling in the meat clearly. Not all meat cut good enough marbling. When cooking cut meat will create tender steak, juicy and yummy flavors.

This makes a Texas-style brisket and their unanimous response was oak, salt, pepper and also super dark bark juicy tender perfectly cooked. Mainly oak salt pepper and there’s obviously one other important ingredient to a Texas style brisket.

This is a 12 to 15 pound brisket, want to lift the brisket out of the Vac seal because, don’t want to pull it out and then have all the juices come out. Just pull this out of the Vac seal bag drip all those juices.

Trimming Brisket

Brisket is a normally tough cut of beef and has lot of fat. Therefore first thing need trim properly your brisket. This Brisket slow Cooked in Oven recipe will always give really juicy, barky and Smokey results.  

This keeps everything nice and smooth and looking aerodynamic. Just trim off the end of the flat and draw out a line here. Go around and you can see a rough outline, the reason that cut all of this flat meat off is because, it’s really thin and it’s not going to survive the cook really well. Need really nice thick flat meat and it cooks evenly and nothing gets dry throughout the cook.

Then separate fat cap here from the rest of the meat. You can use the meat for sausages burgers. You can render down the fat for tallow.  We’ve got a nice thick and shave down this fat cap because this fat cap is really thick.

How to Trim Brisket

Make sure, its lay flat then tackle any silver skin that may be on your brisket been real nice. When fat is removed, then you can see beautiful marbling meat.

Start rounding off some of the fat on the side of brisket not a big slice. Don’t take any meat off but, any fat that’s over hanging and also any of the  edges where it was cut from the steer they can tend to be a bit rough.

What are the Reasons for Trimming Brisket?

  • Cut all the fat from the brisket Otherwise you will end up with the lot of fat with meat.
  • If you not trim properly your Brisket, it will thick to fully render slow cooking process and all the brisket need to tender.
  • Easy to hit rub and Smokey flavors to the brisket.

You can use extra fat and meat turns that into burgers or sausage. This brisket has lot of fat it’s a lot of really hard fat so want to carve that down i just like to kind of aerodynamically carve.

Slice the fat off to a quarter inch thickness, if you have a lot of fat on the point especially because bottom side of the brisket gets a lot of heat from the smoker.

This is this fat is going to crisp up a lot and it’s going to get really rendered. It’s going to get really crispy and create what’s called sugar cookie bark and this really succulent style of brisket.

Need to give good cleaning it up make sure everything looks nice and rounding off any sharp corners making it nice. Aerodynamic alright now one of the most important cuts in the whole brisket. Trim is probably the most over looked. Which the fatty muscle meets the lean muscle and there’s a big glob of fat that kind of cascades downward.

Final step is just to trim up all the rough edges. After properly trim really easy to get burnt up during the cook time.

This brisket is fully trimmed now and you can see looking absolutely gorgeous

Ready to Season Your Brisket

Flip the brisket over and apply the rub to the bottom side first that way. When flip it back over, we can have a nice even layer of rub on the presentation side. That’s not getting all messed up by the cutting board. Then we can apply our kosher salt you can use whatever type of kosher salt. That you want just make sure you get a nice even layer.

You’ll know, it’s over salted if it’s completely white with salt. You want to get your edges and then we’ll switch over to our coarse grain pepper. We’ll just do a nice layer. Let’s open up the taps with this nice even layer.

I like to go really thick on the pepper because the pepper is going to help your bark a lot because it’s already pretty dark and it’s kind of a neutral tasting piece of rub. Pepper add lot of health benifit to your meal.That you can put on the brisket that soaks up that smoke and the darkness of the fire and the Smoke without putting extra salt on it.

That doesn’t make much sense because pepper isn’t really neutral in flavor but over the course of a long cook it loses a lot of its edge gets diluted gets cooked a lot of those. Oils in the pepper that give it its pepperiness are mix together with juices.

We’re going to flip it over and we’re going to do the same thing on the top. We’ll give it a nice even coating of salt again. Use table salt table salt is a lot saltier kosher salt is the way to go thick layer of pepper.

Best way to Smoke Brisket on the Grill

Placing my brisket with the point facing the fire that point is a lot thicker. It’s got more intramuscular fat. It’s got more fat on it, so it’s going to take the brunt of brisket to cook a lot more evenly so point towards.

What is the Best temperature to Slow Cook Brisket?

Just ensure that you are running a steady 225 to 250 degree fire until the next step. after about four or five hours you’re going to hit the temperature zone of between 140 to 165 internal and at that point the brisket is going to start evaporating a lot of moisture that evaporative cooling is going to cool down the brisket.

When brisket starting to sweat out a lot of moisture, the reason the brisket can handle this increased temperature at this point.

Because all of that moisture that the brisket is now sweating out is going to protect it from drying out if you wrap your temperatures to 250 to 275 from the beginning of the cook you might notice that your flat is getting a little bit dry.

When the brisket is around 170 internal and flips it around and foil the edges of the flat this is optional. But it keeps the edges of the flat protected and also exposes the fat on the top of the flat to the heat source.

Just wait until the internal temperature hits 190 and then pull it off the smoker.

How to Wrap Your – Brisket Butcher Paper or Foil?

Best way is Brisket warp in butcher paper. if you have a wide roll of paper then you’ll only need one sheet. But if you have a skinny roll then you’ll need to lay down two lengths. You’ll coat the butcher paper in some beef tallow. That’s going to lock in a lot of the moisture keep the brisket juicy and it’s also going to allow it to breathe a bit so the bark.

Then pour some additional tallow on top of the brisket and wrap it up tightly. Once you’re done, that it goes into a deep aluminum pan with half a cup of water added it gets tightly sealed.

Brisket Transfer in to the Oven

Brisket ready to go to oven at 150 degrees Fahrenheit or as low as you can. It’s going to stay in the oven overnight for 10 to 16 hours.

How long Should a Brisket Keep in the Oven?

Letting it slowly finish over the course of 10 to 16 hours and melt all those collagen fibers while also not getting too overcooked.

The best barbecue joints in the world are turning out world-class briskets and the way that need to temperature control in oven.

How to Slice Brisket and Serve

The flat look at how nice, that is barky it’s juicy. Its tender it looks amazing crunchy the meat is perfectly cooked that long rest or the long hold in the oven at 150 degrees.

You can taste the pepper and the salt.

Dip the exposed end of the brisket onto these juices. So that we can prevent oxidization and as we are slicing into these halves of the brisket.

Soaking the brisket slices in this fat that we squeezed out on the cutting board that is going to make the slices taste a lot better.

Let the knife do the work really sharp long knife helps for this slicing. Start kind of tapering the cuts like this, so that it’s going to be thinner on this edge and it’s going to be thicker on this edge and that’s just to get some more slices out of this.

Brisket Slow Cooked in Oven 2023

Brisket Slow Cooked in Oven 2023

5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 16 hours
Total Time 16 hours 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 8 People
Calories 230 kcal


  • 12 Pound Brisket
  • 1 TBSP Olive oil
  • 2 TBSP Salt
  • 2 TBSP Black Pepper Powder
  • 1 TBSP Onion Powder


Trimming Brisket

  • First thing need to trim properly your Brisket.
  • Separatefat cap here from the rest of the meat.
  • Remove over hanging edges and tackle any silver skin that may be on your brisket been real nice.

Seasoning Brisket

  • First Flip the brisket over and apply the rub to the bottom side.
  • Make sure you get a nice layer salt and thick layer of pepper powder.
  • Light the smoker and going to hit the temperature zone of between 140 to 165 internal.
  • When the brisket is around 170 internal and flips it around and foil the edges ofthe flat this is optional.
  • Use Brisket warp in butcher paper properly.
  • Then pour some additional tallow on top of the brisket and wrap it up tightly. Onceyou're done.
  • Set oven at 150 degrees Fahrenheit and It's going to stay in the oven overnight for 10 to 16 hours.
Keyword Brisket Slow Cooked in Oven, Texas-style Brisket
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