16 Best Fish to Smoke

16 Best Fish to Smoke

There is nothing quite like the flavor of fresh fish, and we can enjoy the full bounty of the sea around the world.

Freshness is all-important when buying Best Fish to Smoke. Key things you have to check before you buy fish.

  • Look for bright.
  • Clear eyes.
  • Glistening Scales.
  • Flat gills which are red underneath.

Fish can be a healthy addition to your diet. It is delicious, provides you with many essential nutrients, and is a perfect source of omega-3 fatty acids.

When it comes to smoking fish, not all fish are created equal taste. Some fish are better suited for smoking than others, and choosing the right fish can make all the difference in the meal. Here are some of the 16 Best Fish to Smoke.

01. Salmon

Salmon is one of the most popular fish for smoking and for good reason. Its rich, oily flesh is perfectly suited for smoking, and it takes on the smoky flavor beautifully. Coho and sockeye salmon are, particularly good choices, but any type of salmon will work. There are more different types of salmon around the world.

Try this a Easy Recipe For Smoked Salmon.This is very easy to make and simple recipe. Hope you like this. If you make a salmon too fresh the salt will not go into the fish.

Ensures the salmon doesn’t become too moist and oily. New smoked salmon doesn’t taste good at all but after two days three days, then it all comes together the salt meets the meat the smoke meets the meat and the salt.

No doubt, fish can be a healthy addition to your diet. It is delicious, provides you with many essential nutrients, and is a perfect source of omega-3 fatty acids.

02. Trout

Trout is a type of fish belonging to the Salmonidae family and this is fresh water fish. There are various species of trout, including rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, and lake trout. They are popular game fish and are known for their delicate flavor and firm texture.

Smoking trout is a fantastic way to enhance its taste and create a delicious dish.

The exact smoking time may vary depending on the size of the trout and your desired level of smokiness.

03. Red Snapper

Red snapper is a popular saltwater fish known for its mild, slightly sweet flavor and firm texture. It is primarily found in the Gulf of Mexico and the southeastern coast of the United States.

Smoking red snapper is a delicious way to cook fish, as the smoking process imparts a smoky flavor while keeping the flesh moist and tender. The rich flavors from the smoke complement the natural taste of the fish. Red snapper’s firm texture holds up well to smoking, making it a good choice.

Smoke the red snapper for approximately 1 to 2 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C). You can use wood chips or chunks, such as mesquite or hickory, to add the desired smoky flavor.

04. Walleye

Walleye is a popular freshwater fish species known for its mild, sweet flavor and flaky white flesh. It is highly regarded as a prized game fish and is found in lakes and rivers across North America.

Smoke the walleye fillets for approximately 1 to 2 hours or until they reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C).

05. Mackerel

Mackerel is a strong-flavored fish that can stand up to the smoking process, making it a popular choice for smoking. It has a rich, oily texture that makes it perfect for smoking, and it takes on the smoky flavor well.

Mackerel’s oily nature makes it suitable for smoking, which imparts a distinct and savory flavor.

Mackerel pairs well with citrus, herbs like dill or parsley, and flavors like garlic, chili, or soy sauce.

06. Haddock

Haddock is a mild-tasting fish that works well for smoking, especially if you’re looking for a milder smoke flavor. It has a flaky texture and a delicate flavor that pairs well with the smoky taste.

07. Cod

Cod is another mild-tasting fish that works well for smoking. It has a firm texture that holds up well during the smoking process, and it takes on the smoky flavor nicely.

08. Mahi -Mahi

Mahi-mahi, also known as dolphin fish, is a species of fish found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. Despite its name, mahi-mahi is not related to dolphins; the name is derived from the Hawaiian language and means “strong-strong.”

Mahi-mahi is highly regarded for its firm texture, mild flavor, and slightly sweet taste.

When it comes to smoking fish, mahi-mahi can be a good choice.

Smoking mahi-mahi can enhance its flavor profile and add a delightful smokiness to the fish.

09. Halibut

Halibut is a type of flatfish that belongs to the family of right-eye flounders. It is known for its distinctive diamond-shaped body, which is flat and horizontally elongated.

Halibut fish are found in both the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans and are highly valued for their mild and delicate flavor.

When it comes to smoking fish, halibut can be an excellent choice. Its firm texture and low oil content make it well-suited for smoking, as it absorbs the smoky flavors while retaining its natural tenderness. Smoking halibut can enhance its taste and create a delightful combination of smokiness and the fish’s inherent sweetness.

10. Tuna

Tuna is a meaty fish with a rich flavor that makes it a good choice for smoking. It’s a bit denser than some other fish, so it takes longer to smoke, but the end result is well worth it.

11. Tilapi

Tilapia is a type of freshwater fish that is widely consumed around the world. It is native to the Middle East and Africa. Tilapia has gained popularity due to its mild flavor, versatility in cooking, and relatively low cost.

From a culinary perspective, tilapia is appreciated for its mild and slightly sweet taste, which makes it versatile in a wide range of dishes. It can be baked, grilled, pan-fried, broiled, or even smoked.

12. Catfish

They are primarily freshwater fish and are known for their whisker-like barbels, which resemble a cat’s whiskers, hence the name “catfish.” Catfish can be found in various parts of the world and are popular in many cuisines.

As for smoking catfish is quite delicious. Smoking fish is a common cooking technique that imparts a unique flavor and preserves the fish. When smoking catfish, the fish is typically marinated or seasoned with spices, herbs, and perhaps a brine solution before being smoked. The smoking process infuses the fish with a smoky flavor while keeping it moist and tender.

13. Sturgeon

Sturgeon is a type of fish that belongs to the family Acipenseridae. It is known for its large size, long lifespan, and prized caviar.  Sturgeon is found in various parts of the world, including the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, and some rivers in North America.

Sturgeon is indeed suitable for smoking. The firm and fatty flesh of the sturgeon make it well-suited for smoking, as it absorbs flavors well and develops a rich and smoky taste. Smoking can help enhance the natural flavors of the fish and provide a delicious culinary experience.

14. Kippers

Kippers are a type of fish that have been split, gutted, and cold-smoked.

Traditionally, kippers are made from herring. The fish are split open from head to tail, cleaned, and then cold-smoked, which involves smoking them at temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). The smoking process imparts a distinctive smoky flavor and preserves the fish.

They are known for their smoky flavor and are enjoyed in various ways, particularly as a breakfast dish.

15. EEL

Eel is a type of fish known for its long, snake-like body and elongated fins. There are various species of eel found in both freshwater and saltwater environments. While they have a distinct appearance, eels are known for their unique taste and culinary uses.

Smoked eel is often served as a delicacy and can be enjoyed on its own or used in various dishes.

Eel is a fish known for its distinctive appearance and is valued for its unique taste.

16. Anchovies

Anchovies are small, oily fish that are commonly found in saltwater environments. They are known for their strong, distinct flavor and are used in various culinary preparations. While anchovies are not typically smoked in the same way as larger fish, they can still be used to add a smoky flavor to dishes.

Anchovies are more commonly used in their preserved form, such as salted or cured.

The small size and delicate nature of anchovies make them more challenging to smoke compared to larger fish. However, if desired, anchovies can be lightly smoked using a gentle and quick smoking process to add a subtle smoky note to their flavor.

When choosing fish for smoking, it’s important to choose high-quality, with the right fish and a good smoking process, you can create delicious smoked fish that will impress your family and friends.

Easy Recipes for smoked Salmon

Easy Recipes For Smoked Salmon

There is a reason that barbecuing is everyone’s favorite way to celebrate. This Smoked Salmon is best of the best forever. This Easy Recipes for smoked Salmon is beautiful colorful tender and punchy flavorful side of Salmon good for every time.

To get the good finish dish, need to use good quality fresh Salmon for your cooking process and not overcooking your Salmon.

How to choose Best Salmon Fillet?

Challenge is choosing fresh salmon at the grocery store can be a bit tricky, but with a few simple tips, you can ensure that you get the best quality salmon available. Here are some things to look for when selecting salmon at the grocery store.

Check the color: Fresh salmon should have a vibrant color. For example, sockeye salmon should have a bright red color, while Coho salmon should be a vibrant orange-pink. Avoid salmon that looks pale or discolored.

Smell the fish: Fresh salmon should have a mild oceanic smell. Avoid fish that has a strong, fishy odor.

Look for firmness: Fresh salmon should be firm to the touch, with no visible signs of mushiness or indentations.

Check for scales and skin: If possible, choose salmon that still has its scales and skin intact. This can help preserve the freshness of the fish.

Consider the source: Look for salmon that is sustainably sourced and raised without antibiotics or growth hormones.

Buy from a reputable source: Choose a grocery store or fish market with a good reputation for selling fresh, high-quality fish.

By following these tips, you can select fresh and tasty salmon for your next meal.

Different Types of Salmon

There are different types of Salmon in the market. Different Salmon will have different stages of omega 3 fatty acid level content. Therefore it can change the cooking time of the salmon.

  • Farm Salmon: Farm salmon refers to salmon that are raised in fish farms or aquaculture facilities rather than caught in the wild. The salmon are typically raised in large tanks or pens in the ocean, and they are fed a special diet to help them grow quickly. The use of fish farms for salmon production has become increasingly common in recent years, as demand for salmon has grown and wild salmon populations have declined. However, there is some controversy around the environmental impact of salmon farming, as well as concerns about the welfare of the fish themselves and the quality of the meat they produce. According to USDA data analysis, Farmed salmon contain around 20% more saturated fat.
  • Wild salmon: Wild salmon is a type of salmon that is caught in its natural habitat, typically in oceans or freshwater rivers and lakes, as opposed to being farmed or raised in a controlled environment. Wild salmon is considered by many to be a healthier and more sustainable option than farmed salmon, as it generally has a more varied and natural diet, higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and fewer contaminants. There are several species of wild salmon, including Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Pink, and Chum, and each has its own unique flavor and texture. There are lots of big company supplies the wild salmon to the market. Among those companies, Copper River salmon is providing best wild salmon to the market.

To get best salmon smoking experience you can use full salmon fillet or portioned of salmon fillet on your grill.

How Prep the Salmon Fillet

There are a few things we do to prep salmon fillet before getting to the smoker. It’s really easy so let’s get started first thing.

Open the package and rinse it under very cool water on both sides and I just transfer over to my cutting board with some paper towels. Pat it dry after the salmon fillet. You want to take your hand and run it down the fillet and see if you feel any little bones protruding through the flesh.

If you do either get some needle nose little pliers or even tweezers to pull them out now. That we’ve rinsed it patted it dry and check for bones.

I’m going to cut this into four and go right down the middle get two halves then go down the middle again. It is beautiful and ready for dry brine.

What are the types of Brining Salmon?

There are two types of Brine you can do your Salmon. Such as Dry Brining and Wet Brining.

Dry Brining: – This is a process Fish with salt (sometime use sugar as well) and letting it rest several hours or overnight. This is dry because there is no any liquid use for this.

Wet Brining: – This is process of soaking salmon fillets or portions in a saltwater solution (brine) for a period of time before cooking. The brine can be flavored with herbs, spices, sugar, or other ingredients to enhance the flavor of the fish.

Seasoning Salmon

Here is two cups of dark brown sugar and add 1/2 a cup of kosher salt. You don’t want to use that table salt for this. I’ve got a tablespoon of fresh cracked pepper. Pepper will add lot of healthy benifit to your meal.

I’m just going to mix this up with my hands. so I’m just going to spread some brown sugar on the base of my pan and lay fish right on top of that and then will add some more sugar mix on top try and pack it as good as you can.

Make sure you pack around the edges as well. Try not to leave any of the flesh exposed pack it down. Need to wrap it some plastic wrap. I do two layers and tuck the plastic wrap down. Then just put one more on top this goes into the refrigerator for eight hours or overnight.

It is in the refrigerator overnight come take a look at this.

Oh amazing… you can see how much liquid the dry brine sucked out of these fish and definitely difference in color thanks to the brown sugar.

Now just want to rinse all that salt and sugar off of these under cool water as cold you can get just Pat them dry now. After pat dry and ready to place on a rack to sit at room temperature for an hour or two hours.

Best Way to Smoke Salmon

Setting up Smoker

You can preheat up to 150 degrees your grill and ready to transfer Salmon. For this you can use apple or cherry wood that will add more beautiful flavor to your Salmon.

What is the best Smoked Salmon Cook time?

This smoked salmon cook time is depending on the size of the salmon and temperature or conditions of your smoker. Normally 1pound of salmon takes around1hour to cook. There is no any exact time for smoked salmon.

Salmon with Skin on or Off / Cook Salmon Skin On or Off

When Cooking Salmon, you can cook skin on or off. This time I am going to skin on or with the skin because skin with full of flavored. If you don’t like with the skin you can remove skin easily after grilled it.

After 2hours check inside the smoker, then going to brush some apricot jam. I melted down in the microwave about a quarter cup.

They’re ready to come inside, look how easy they come right off the grill here. Since we sprayed it serve this with cream cheese crackers and some fresh herbs.

Easy Recipes for smoked Salmon

Easy Recipes For Smoked Salmon

Prep Time 12 hours
Cook Time 3 hours
Course Main Course
Servings 4 People
Calories 280 kcal


  • 2 lbs Salmon
  • 2 cups Brown Sugar
  • ½ cup Kosher Salt
  • 1 tbsp Pepper Powder
  • ¼ cup Apricot Jam


Pre the Salmon Fillet

  • Open the package and rinse it under very cool water on both sides .
  • Transfe rover to cutting board with some paper towels.
  • Pat it dry after the salmon fillet.

Seasoning Salmon

  • Spread some brown sugar on the base of pan and lay fish right on top.
  • Add some more sugar mix on top.
  • Wrap it some plastic wrap.
  • Into Brine this goes into the refrigerator for eight hours or overnight.
  • Just want to rinse all that salt and sugar off of these under cool water as cold you can get just Pat them dry now.

Smoke Salmon

  • Preheat up to 150 degrees your grill and ready to transfer Salmon.
  • After 2 hours check inside the smoker.
  • Brush some apricot jam top of the Salmon.


  • Serve this with cream cheese crackers and some fresh herbs.
Keyword Smoked Salmon