All About Smoking Wood

All About Smoking Wood- BBQ Smoking Wood

Right smoke management is crucial to make most foods with great taste on a smoker or grill. Smoking Wood is one of the most factors in backyard barbecues. When you barbecue your something, smoke is like salt and pepper in the main cooking process. That is why you should know about wood smoking. The taste of smoke should come after foods.

You can read this article, to know Where does the word Barbecue Come From?

When cooking with all smoking woods or charcoal fire, the most important thing is to maintain the quality of the smoke during the cooking.

To produce fires, we can use different fuel sources. The main thing is what fuel you use, it is important to use the highest quality fuel or barbecue smoking wood for your smoker or grill. It will also affect the taste and success of smoking.  

The style of cooking in which the tastes of foods are affected, is influenced by the choice of wood used. Soaked wood chips and herbs are placed in a smoke box, allowing objects to slowly ignite without causing flare ups.

Soaked wood chips and herbs are placed in a smoke box, allowing objects to slowly ignite without causing sudden outburst.

When preheating, place the smoke box over the heat source. When smoke appears inside the box, adjust the burner on a gas barbecue to low.  if you use a grill, place the smoke box directly under the food and use indirect heat.

For the best cook, do not interrupt cooking by frequently opening the lid.

Top Tips for BBQ Smoking

  • Don’t overloaded wood chips- It will make too much smoke and make the food taste bitter and rubbery.
  • The smoke should gently waft, not billow out.
  • Aim for white or blue smoke- black smoke indicates insufficient ventilation or that the food is too close to the heat the juices are burning, which can taint the flavor of the meat.
  • Keep air circulation – keep the vents of the lid open, so the smoke swirls around the food.

Seasoning or Curing of wood

When cooking a barbecue, everyone wants to separate the wood and treat two to six months before use for cooking.  Wood can last much longer when it is still in whole logs or rounds ant that are not split.

However, wood that is parted will harden faster than wood kept in rounds. We are aware that there are different types of wood curing techniques.

The wood must be properly seasoned before use for cooking. To check the dryness of the wood for this, a moisture meter can be used.

The more moisture in the wood, the more difficult it is to burn. The wood that works best usually 10 to 25% of moisture content per meter. Keep wood out of the rain and element and keep it dry.

The Best Use Of Green Wood For Smoking

Green wood or wood that is freshly cut, retains moisture, which makes lighting difficult. Green wood is commonly used in a barrel to make wood coals, which is ideal for cooking.

Burning green wood in a barrel produces a hot fire, and moisture in the wood will cause it to burst and produce small coals. These coals can then be pushed into a pit or cooker and produce nice heat with minimal cooking smoke.

Green wood can be used in smaller stoves, but it needs to be split and cut into smaller pieces, making it easier to light and start less fire. Cut the wood to about 2×8 inches to get a good fire. For larger cookers, use larger pieces.

What are the Main Types of Smoke Wood

In traditional BBQ, wood smoke is the primary flavor experience. Wood smoke just likes another favoring ingredient. If you use too much smoke, the food can become bitter. If you use less, the food may fall flat.

Dendrology is the study of trees. According to this, trees are classified by two methods.

  • Soft wood –These are trees with green needles, such as spruce or pine. Soft woods often contain flammable resins. Therefore, they should not be used as smoke wood, because they will give a bitter and bitter taste to food.
  • Hard wood –Hardwoods provide a variety of flavors that can be used to enhance the flavor of food. Hardwoods can be divided into nuts woods and fruit woods. Nut woods go well with beef, and fruit woods go well with pork and poultry.

Besides learning how much smoke to use. You have to learn how to combine different types of wood with different meats and seafood.

01. Smoking Woods- Logs

The amount of wood you use is very important for smoking. The long logs are not placed in the coals and burn and produce heavy black smoke, but are not good for barbecue.

By cutting the log short, the entire length of the log can be saved for the charcoal fire. This will give the smoke a more pleasant flavor.


The size of the pit determines the size of the log. For smaller pits, split logs should be used. For smaller fire pits, use split logs about 2×8 inches long, and for larger fire pits, split logs 3×16 inches long.

If you’re grilling, you’ll need a clean fire. This fire produces very little smoke. Because you can breathe and you don’t run out of oxygen.

The size and placement of the wood really affects how clean or dirty the fire is. If you’re using a small grill, smaller wooden sticks will help keep the fire clean. It’s also not too hot. This type of fire is very good for cooking meat without overcooking it.

02. Wood Chips.

Wood chips are a good choice for small bubbles and large amounts of smoke flavor when using electric and gas grills.The chips are placed in a metal box, a device for gas and electric grills, and the box is placed on the burner. The chips burn much faster than wood chips.

03. Wood Chunks

Wood chips vary in size, but most are in two or three inch pieces. These are great for smoky flavor. When using gravity smokers, kettle grills and very small grill pits. It burns slower than wood chips. While cooking, everyone likes to add more chips or chunk.

If you use a smoke box or electric smoker, sometimes soaking the wood chips for 30 minutes to an hour or more slows down the wood burning process.

04. Charcoal Briquettes

This is the most common fuel used in grills and is also very easy to find. You should always get good quality charcoal. Place in a dry environment to avoid getting wet. People generally don’t like to use charcoal that has been treated with a lighter fluid because of the chemical flavor that the charcoal imparts.

05. Wood Pellets

They can be found on most types of trees, from fruitwoods to hardwoods. It can be used specifically for electric grills or grills specifically made to work with these wood pellets. They differ from chips in that they are made of crushed and compressed wood and look like rabbit food.

Should You Soak Wood Chips Before Smoking?

This is a common problem and argument among used pit masters and everyone asks before starting a barbecue. I never dip wood chips in my grill.

Soaking is the process by which wood chips are soaked in water for a period of time before being used in a smoker or grill. This process is to control smoke release and prevent wood chips from catching fire.

After soaking pieces of wood before use can help the wood burn before the fire, creating a slow, steady smoke that infuses food with rich flavor. Steaming can help protect wood chips from too much smoke, which can make food taste sour or bitter.

Quenching is the process by which wood chips are soaked in water for a period of time before being used in a smoker or grill. Soaking is to control smoke release and prevent wood chips from catching fire.

Wood chips are usually soaked for 30 minutes to 2 hours before use. After soaking, the chips can be drained and placed in a smoker or grill to be used to smoke meat, fish or vegetables.

Soaking wood chips for smoking – Soaking wood Chips for Smoker

Some people swear by burning wood chips to smoke or burn them, but others claim that it is not necessary and can negatively affect the smoking process.

One of the arguments in favor of soaking wood chips is to prevent the production of acrid fumes that can quickly burn and ruin the taste of food. Soaking the chips adds moisture to the smoking environment and prevents the meat from drying out.

On the other hand, they are arguing against the burning of unnecessary pieces of wood that can harm the smoking process.

Soaking the chips reduces the amount of smoke produced, making it difficult to get a high level of smoke out of the food. It also increases the amount of time it takes for the chips to start smoking, which can result in longer cooking times and less fuel.

Ultimately, whether or not you soak your woodchips is a matter of personal preference. Some pit masters swear by soaking, while others prefer to use a piece of dry wood chips. Experiment with both methods to determine which works best for your particular setup and smoking style.

How long to soak wood chips for smoking?

The length of time to soak the wood for smoking can vary depending on several factors.

  • Type of wood
  • The size of the chips
  • Personal preference.

However, a general rule of thumb is to soak wood chips for at least 30 minutes before using them for smoking.

If you prefer a milder smoky flavor, you can marinate the wood chips for 30 minutes to 1 hour. You can soak the chips for 2 hours for a stronger smoky flavor. If you soak a piece of wood for too long, it may become waterlogged and not smoke.

We also recommend that you start checking your board for readiness at 30 minutes. When the chips have absorbed enough water, they should sink to the bottom of the bowl or container. If it’s still floating after 30 minutes, give it some time to soak before using it for smoking.

In general, soak the pieces of wood for at least 30 minutes and up to 2 hours, depending on the desired level of smoke, and check occasionally for readiness.

Best Different Types of wood for smoke

Fruit wood has a milder smoke and milder flavor. The hard wood can add a stronger flavor. You can cook good food using any wood as fuel.

Different types of wood can add different flavors to smoked foods. Here are some common types of wood used for smoking and their characteristics.

  • Hickory: This is a popular wood that offers hints of bacon flavor. A strong, hearty flavor popular with smoked meats such as pork, beef and chicken.
  • Mesquite: It is commonly associated with Texas barbecue and pairs well with beef. Mesquite can easily overwhelm food, so use it sparingly at first to get used to the taste. Strong, earthy flavor popular for smoking beef, poultry and game.
  • Apple: Perhaps the most common fruit woods, apples go well with chicken and pork. Produces a mild fruity aroma. A mild, sweet flavor popular with smoked pork and poultry.
  • Cherry: A sweet and fruity flavor popular with poultry, pork and pork. This provides great color.
  • Alder: This is a mild wood from the Pacific Northwest that is great for seafood. Because of its sweet taste, it is popular in smoked fish, poultry and pork dishes.
  • Oak: Hickory oak gives a medium smoky flavor that goes well with all grilled meats, especially beef and pork. It is popular with smoked beef and lamb for its strong, smoky flavor.
  • Maple: Commonly found in the Northeast, and a staple of competitive cooking, maple imparts a mild smoky flavor. For an interesting taste, try mixing in an apple or cherry tree or two. A mild and sweet flavor that is popular with poultry, pork and vegetables.
  • Pecan: A good smoking wood, pecan is sweet and mild in flavor.
  • Walnut: It produces a heavy flavor that lends itself well to beef. Walnut is best when used alone. If you want to mix up the flavor, try adding a little fruity wood.
  • Peach: Soft wood suitable for a variety of white and pink meats.

Keep this in mind as you learn how to cook with smoked wood and develop an understanding of the flavor of each wood. As you gain experience, you can combine them freely.

Personal preference should be a major factor in choosing which smoke wood to use.

It’s worth noting that using too much smoke or smoking your food can make it taste bitter regardless of the type of wood you use.

Different Types of Wood that Should Never be Used for Smoking

There are certain types of wood that should never be used for smoking because of their toxicity or unpleasant taste.

  • Poisonous wood: Some types of trees, such as poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac, are poisonous and should not be used for smoking.
  • Softwoods: Softwoods, such as pine, fir, spruce, and cedar, should also be avoided because they contain resins that can produce a bitter taste and release harmful chemicals when burned.
  • Treated wood: Chemically treated wood, such as pressed or painted wood, should not be used for smoking as the chemicals can release harmful toxins when burned.
  • Green wood: Green or immature wood contains a lot of moisture and produces a lot of smoke and creosote, which can ruin the flavor of food and damage the smoker.

It’s important to use only seasoned, dry wood for smoking to ensure a safe and flavorful experience.

How to Get Skin off of Salmon

How to Get Skin off of Salmon

There is nothing quite like the flavor of fresh fish and every one love, enjoy the full bounty of the seas on all world. When taking about fish, freshness is most important thing when buying fish. The fish should smell of the sea, fishy but fresh. Fresh fish is best cooked on the day it is bought, unless you can freeze it.

You can cook different ways, Grilled, Steamed and Curried. Whichever method you are cooking, take care not to overcook the fish.

Are you Salmon lover, when cooking Salmon can cook with skin or without skin? Skin is adding flaky, tender and Flavors to your meal. Salmon is very easy to cook with skin. Read this Easy Recipes for smoked Salmon with skin. But sometime need to remove skin, hope you like to read this tips, how to take Salmon Skin off.

Easy Recipes for smoked Salmon with skin

Three Reasons you should leave the Skin on your Salmon

Salmon is very good protein for your meal either lunch or dinner. Salmon also contain omega 3fatty acids, which is very good for your brain health.  Lots of grocery store sells skin off salmon.

I want to talk to you about the five reasons you should leave the skin on your salmon.

  • Crispy skin : If you want that crunch that dynamic mouth feel of soft succulent salmon to crisp skin. We’ll talk about no notes all right go ahead. You have to worked so hard to get it crispy nice and crunchy.
  • Skin Helps hold that entire fillet together: Skin helps us create a non-stick surface. With the skin Salmon Fillet get nice and crunchy. This will completely change the eating experience and textures flavors aromas all of it when it’s going on that crunch. That skin just plays such a vital role in giving you the holistic experience of eating salmon with skin.
  • Salmon skin full of the nutrient content: Salmon skin has got a tremendous amount of nutrient content in there and when you get rid of it guess what you get rid of with the skin. Beautiful crunchy skin every time looks at that poetic. It’s artistic its skin on perfection.

When skin on nutrition non-stick textural contrast a world of flavor. With the skin on is great opportunity for your meal and therefore don’t miss out delicious food experience.

How to Take Salmon Skin Off

Using a Knife

This technique is pretty much used for all fish to remove skin. Some of the smaller fish, you just need to use maybe your thumb and your index finger. Some of the bigger fish, even as big as large 100-pound tuna, you may have to wrap your arm around the whole skin and do this. But no matter what size, it’s all pretty much the same process

Step 1: Make sure that the piece of fish is lined up as close to the edge as you can possibly get it.

The reason why we do that is that we can now then have a little bit more leverage. Drop the knife flat down with the board itself or with the table, giving us a little bit more leverage.

If your knife comes up or flattens out too much, you can go into the meat and lose tons of product. If you cut it too much, you go into the table and then you end up with the skin still on there.

Step 2: Take knife and draw a little bit of like a handle on the back of the fish, pretty much just coming in at about a 45-degree angle.

I don’t want to waste a lot of meat; just want to make sure that can get a little bit of a grip on there. If the skin is particularly thin or delicate, you may need to use a butter knife to gently remove the skin away from the flesh.

Step 3: Take knife and turn it and make a couple cuts the other way. Once there, you’ve got this nice little handle created.

With some of the bigger fish, you might want to just kind of poke a hole into the skin a little bit so you can get your finger in there; pretty much just have a little bit more leverage.So that you can make a little bit of a grip.

Step 4: Once your knife is underneath and kind of on the table at about a 15 to 20-degree angle, and going to take skin.

You do not going to pull up and not going to zip it out because then will crush the meat. Take it and go back and forth gently, trying to keep the knife pretty still.

Step 6: Keep the knife along the skin and release the meat from it.

Once you have a little bit more distance, you can get a good grip on there. And again, just keep following through. And then you should be able to pretty much remove the entire skin and have a nice filet.

A little bit of that silver skin is OK. That’s not really, that’s just the inside, nothing wrong with that. Now you have your nice skinned filet.

Some people have good knife skills and some people don’t have good knife skills to remove the skin from Salmon. In this method I am going to show you how to take Salmon skin off without using knife.

Use Boiled Water to Remove Skin from Salmon

This method can use the skin off the salmon very quickly and easily.

Step 1: Boiled some water and also you have to be careful with hot water and just pour it on to the fish skin side. You don’t have to be high in the air but that keeps your fish from laying in the hot water.

When pouring hot water, need to be very careful because you know it will cook your fish. You just can see how it’s drawing up.

Step 2: Leave it a couple minutes look at that it just comes right off.

Step 3: Then start from one corner of the Fillet and it just peels right off see that just peels right off.

If you’re going to use this method to skin off from salmon make sure you’re going to cook your fish same day. Because it can change the taste and color of the fish.

Make sure to rinse the fillet under cold water after removing the skin to remove any leftover bits of skin. Remember, salmon skin can be a nutritious and delicious part of the fish, so consider leaving it on if you plan to grill, broil or bake the fish.


Hibachi Grill and Supreme Buffet

Hibachi Grill is the modern tradition of grilling which is acquiring the culinary agent as well as restaurants nowadays. This Hibachi Grill and Supreme Buffet is being competent to captivate restaurants guests with its unique cooking taste and entertaining preparing and dinning style.

What is Hibachi Grill?

Hibachi is Japanese tradition of Grilling and hibachi grill is brazier either round, cylindrical, box shaped, open topped container made from or lined with a heat proof material and it is designed to hold burning charcoal. In other words hibachi grill features a grill plate that sits on top of a ceramic or sometime wooden bowl that is burning with filed charcoal.

 In the hibachi grill, it is filled with incombustible ash and in center of ash charcoal has been positioned. The chefs use a pair of metal chop sticks called Hibashi to handle charcoal, similar to the western fire irons or tongs. Hibachi is used not only for cooking but also for heating. It is heated by radiation sometimes the heat of hibachi grill is used to keep the place or the room warm. Hibachi grills must never be used in air tight rooms as it may bring health hazard, respiratory disorders.

Origin of Hibachi Grill

The Tradition or the culture of hibachi grill is originated from Japanese cuisine. The history of advent of hibachi grills run over to the Heian period existed between 794 and 1984 AD. The world hibachi is a combination of meaningful vocabularies. The word “Hi” refers to fire while “bachi” means bowl or pot. So the entire word hibachi implies the idea, fire bowl.

Sometimes it is believed that this term was derived from “toppanyaki” which means in Japanese, grilling over an iron plate. The first hibachi grills were made of cypress and clay linings. With the flow of time this hibachi grills were covered and open grade grill and began to heat and cook many items on it.

Occasionally it was utilized to heat a room. This Japanese tradition was motivated by commerce and captured, many restaurants with its unique performance. Hibachi allows the natural flavors of food to be emerge on. That’s why the application of seasoning and flavors is in this style. 

Choice for Best Hibachi Grill in 2023

With the advent of technology hibachi grill has undergone many changes and it has converted into more portable and affordable. Following brings out your some of best hibachi grills you can use feast in 2023.

01. Best overall/ lodge cast iron Sportsman’s grill

This type of hibachi grills has been designed under and indestructible design entirely with cast iron, becomes heavy for portability but material benefits outweigh than the inconvenience

The better fact is this provides you temperature adjustments methods for better experience and to control heat during your cooking. You should find the perfect charcoal amount/height/oxygen level combination for any cooking you want to do, after some trial or error.

It provides you a large grilling area of 10.25”x8.25”x19” to let you to prepare sufficient dishes for a family gathering. When preparing, you will be able to fix three steaks at one time or two steaks and some vegetables.

The magnitude or the size of the grill will not be a burden to you when it is being stored in your home or garage.

Favorability of the Sportsman’s Grill

Cast Iron

In fact the entire frill has been made of cast iron and this provides it a great durability and an ability to retain heat. Due to the whole cast iron cover it weighs over 20 pounds in total.

Flip Down Door

Beneath the grilling surface, you can notice a door located directly to it. Here, you can offload charcoal or stuff some more into decrease or increase heat respectively.

Vent at Bottom

Another mobile part you can identify in this grill is the vent beneath the flip down door. Through this piece you will be able to control the flow of oxygen into charcoal.

Two grilling Heights

Be thankful to the two heights settings available even more temperature control is at your disposal. It will receive you a little experimentation.

Infavorability of the Sportsman’s Grill

Cheap Handle

It is a shameful fact to mention that the Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman Grill bears only a single wire handle though. It is entirely made up of cast iron. It is bit flimsy and has a tendency to brittle even under a small stress.

In fact this is a great choice if you require a charcoal grill that is portable, but not cheap and lightweight. Since the grill has been pre-seasoned, but has been made of fully cast iron, it will require a better care and good maintenance.

Charcoal and cast iron is a great combination that will allow you for a better experience with cooking.

02. Best Budget: – Marsh Allen Kay Hibachi Charcoal Grill.

This grill will offer you a cooking surface of 157In – Marsh Allen grill is enriched with conveniences like temperature vents and wooden handles. The best facility is you can purchase this grill at a favorable asking price.

If you purchase this, you can adjust the cooking grids between three different locations. The legs are in different heights making the surface wiggly.  The uneven distribution of both cooking grids becomes disadvantage.

Favorability of Marsh Allen Kay Hibachi Charcoal Grill.

Small size:-  Due to this minimum space and size it is ideal for camping and storage.

Cast iron:- The cast iron material helps to retain heat and cook meals evenly and this properly offers it a long lasted  life span. 

Infavorability of Marsh Allen Kay Hibachi Charcoal Grill

Heavy:- This grill weighs about 40pounds so it causes for the portability.

Foods Best for the Experience of Hibachi Grill

Since foods are directly exposed to charcoal heat, thin meats like chicken breast halves or small steaks are precious selections. Fish and sea food also excellent to prepare on.

 Hibachi grill also separates space for various vegetable like mushrooms and long beans.

However, you must be careful not to cook large slice of meat. Thin slices of meat are much better. It is hard to lay a single piece of wood across the grids as a result.


Affordable:  You can use this for a long time and make the enjoyable performance with it due to this advantageous quality.

Three positions for grates:-  You can cook foods on one part of a grill at a certain temperature and in the other part at a different temperature.  

Wooden Handles:- This facility decreases the ambient heat when handling it. Possessing handles is a great benefit of it as grill weighs over 15 pounds.

Two Air Vents:- This grill bears two air vents beneath each cooking grill. So, you will be able to adjust the temperature of each half of the grill independently.


A little uneven construction can be observed in some parts of this grill may be due to its lower price.

03. Best Gas Hibachi- Cuisinart CGG-180T Petit Gourmet Portable Tabletop Gas Grill, Stainless Steel.

The Cuisinart CGG-180T grill offers you a cooking surface area of 145in” as well as flexible legs beneath the main unit. It is extremely portable and convenient to use. As propane has been instead of charcoal preparation can be done within few seconds.

Favorability of Cuisinart CGG-180T Grill

Folding Legs:- The legs have been made up of aluminum in order to maintain the lightness of the grill. They are flexible to up and down and stabilizing feet’s provide you an even cooking experience.

Thick Handle:- Brief case style handles add a portability to this grill and as a whole it weighs  only  13.5 pounds. So anyone can transport this anywhere to go.

Porcelain Enameled Grates:- Due to this the grates have a longer existence and can withstand to the ambient heat without warping or degrading.

Infavorability of Cuisinart CGG-180T Grill

Burners are Flimsy:- The burners for controlling the temperature are too weak in this grill and they may be fragile if you handle it quickly and hard.

04. Best round Hibachi – Weber Jambo Joe Classic round seasons Cast Iron Charcoal Hibachi Grill.

This is a grill which is designed to the traditional circular Japanese style. This bears a cooking surface of 15inch diameter. Canjun Grill has been constructed in China.

Hibachi Grill Restaurants

The experience of hibachi restaurants, initially evolved in 1945, Japan. The first restaurant named Misono became a well – known guy among both local and foreign visitors. The patrons were beguiled from the fantastic performance of chefs on a hibachi grill. The jobs were sold in higher amounts in Misono in that era as a trend due to the extreme attraction and stimulation created in guests.

Gradually due to the taste as well as the amazing performance of chefs on hibachi grills, the migration of hibachi in world took place. It initially expanded in USA and the word ‘hibachi’ was more prominent and familiar in American culinary vocabulary and in every abode. Thus, the restaurants in America commenced their business with hibachi grills while awarding a great experience and tasteful dine to guests with its unique style.

History of the BBQ

History of the BBQ- Origin Of BBQ

When someone asked, what is your favorite food or what do you like to eat? Most probably your answer will be “oh! It is uncontroversial BBQ. In fact it is the most favorite dish of every dining able as well as in every cuisine. BBQ mean the abbreviated word for the amazing barbeque. In this will see the history of the BBQ.

Since it is salty, tangy and spicy every living being from cradle to grave like to feast on this miraculous dish. Though we are big fans of BBQ, actually do we know regarding the origin and the history of BBQ, this amazing food guy?

BBQ and Pre-Historic Era

Human began to consume food especially meat cooked over fire around 1.8 million years ago. The human ancestor called Homo erectus began the traditional of cooking meat on fire after the advent of fire by him.

Since the modern BBQ tradition is same to cooking meat on fire, it is no wrong of describing the origin of BBQ relative to the historic era. Though the preparation of meat on fire in historic era is fundamental, many people believe that the origin of the BBQ tradition is bound with the historic era as our ancient ancestor, Homo erectus consumed his food (especially meat) after smoking it on fire.

Evolution of BBQ

After the revolution, many people who lived Spain and Portugal became official explorers and accordingly they commenced to migrate each and every corner of the world in order to expand their religion to discover new varieties of condiments and with some other intentions as a result of Spanish explorations.

They were able to migrate to Caribbean islands and there those conquistadors found the indigenous people of those islands were drying meat under the suns radiations in order to preserve them as the fresh existence of meat is limited of certain days.

Nevertheless, those explorers noticed that the main problem they means the indigenous community had face in the circumstance was though they dried, rapidly the meat spoilt and the bugs infested them. So they had to face with many bad experience related to their food matters. As an alternative for this, they began to smoke the meat over fire and smoke kept meat long lasted and bugs away.

Therefore they won the success in that matter. As it is closely similar to the BBQ tradition many food historians claimed that it was one historical development of BBQ.

However the history of the BBQ also runs to the ancient region of southern USA. During the migration of Europeans to the southern region of USA they imported the captured and enslaved Africans to the relevant regions. In that time European cattle’s and pigs also were transplanted there. So pork was the main dish of their dining tables and it is believed that those humans consumed the meat after smoking them on fire. So this situation also claims to the evolution of modern BBQ.

The first meat market opened by Jessi Swearingen in 1875, Lockhart, Texas. It was also contribution to the modern BBQ. Every year four restaurants in market welcome over 250,000dinners for the entire world. Later the town was famous for its barbecued beef and sausages with saltine crackers, onions and pickles. In1999 Lockhart was officially nominated the Barbecue capital of Texas.

As the evidence that have been discovered, BBQ can be considered as the ancient cuisine of the food Planet. The first barbecue recipes are recorded from the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations. As they were experienced shepherds of animal husbandry they began to prepare meat by smoking them over fire soaked with thin rice bran oil.  They smoked meat at a high temperature. So they became competent to consume fresh, roasted, crispy and smoked BBQ.

However the climax of evolution of barbecue is exposed by grate Caribbean island. They were the pioneers of modern barbecue traditions. They used to smoke meat over a grill or pits covered with spices and basting sauce. Actually this is the modern theory we apply when preparing the magical dish of barbecue. Likewise the history of modern barbecue tradition is inherited from Caribbean island.

Where does the word Barbecue Come From?

Normally in day today life we use the word BBQ to introduce barbecue. It is the abbreviated slang of the word barbecue. The spellings of the word can be written in both manners of barbecue and barbeque. However, how this word barbecue originated? What was the foundation of it?

As the History reflects, it mentions that the word barbecue has been derived from the Spanish slang. When the word “Barbacoa” of Spanish is translated in to English it displays the word of Barbecue.

However the arrival of this word is controversial as many people have introduced different explanations about the word barbecue and Barbacoa. Some people say that it has been derived from Arawak tribe. Any way, it can be undoubtedly expressed that the word barbeque has been derived from the word Barbacoa.

Barbecue Vs. Ancient Celebrities

In fact barbecue can be considered as a region which makes people together and it is a communication medium between neighbors, friends and any loving guy.

In ancient time too people had used this smoked guy for their celebrations and special events. After victory of revolutionary war, it is events were commemorated with spicy, tangy and sweet barbecues. It is amazing to say that this barbecue claims relationship with the life events of world famous celebrities.

American president were big fans of barbecue and great former president of America, George Washington’s diaries were full with reference of barbecue. He was major barbecue buff.When Abraham Lincoln’s parents were married, their wedding feast also was a huge BBQ.

Different Barbecue Styles

Although these smoked meat on a grill or a pit is referred to as barbecue. It possesses many regional introductions as well as preparation methods.

In America we are introduced to barbecue in 4 main traditions. Such as follows,

Carolina BBQ

Texas BBQ

Memphis BBQ

Kansas BBQ

When it is considered about Carolina BBQ, South Carolina uses vinegar based sauce to their make meat much spicy, tangy and juicy. But in north people prefer to use mustard based sauce.

In Texas, their barbecue is dominantly based on beef. Here Texan Molasses was added to create a sweeter barbecue flavor. In Texas the unique barbecue type is Texas brisket, the meat seasoned with salt and pepper and slow cooked for many hours.

In Memphis, typically barbecue tradition is bound with pork. Here a distinctive feature is the rub massaged in to meat and it contains dozen of different herbs and condiments.

The barbecue tradition in Kansas City is developed when the person called henry Perry started a barbecue restaurant.  He was a fan of sweet barbecue. Therefore in this region barbecue are mostly sweet in flavor. The recipe includes a sauce made with tomato and molasses. Sometimes it is soaked with brown sugar too.

In addition to those four varieties of American barbecue, as a foodie guy you can explore many other type of barbecue spread all over the world.

Different Countries BBQ Traditions

In Korea, if you are huge fan of barbecue, you will meet with distinctive experience. In this tradition the grill is at the center of the table and dinners have to participate with their own meat and side dishes known as Banchan and then they get opportunity to grill their own food. Among the grilled stuff, prominent members are thinly sliced beef called Bulgogi, beef ribs called Galbi and Dark Galbi which are marinated chicken.

In France and Switzerland, the people have practiced with unique barbecue tradition called Pierrade or Pierre Chaude. Here they use hot flat stone as the grill and stuff will be very thin sliced meat.

In South Africa, you will meet with braai not with barbecue. It means there barbecue is referred to as braai. In this tradition generally, meats such as lamb, Beef and pork are grilled on a wood fired braai stand.

When moved in to West Africa, confusing you will meet with Suya instead of barbecue. Suya is typically prepared with skewered beef, mutton or chicken and sometimes kidney liver and tripe are also used. To marinate thinly sliced beef they use a spice sauce called Suya spice or peanut cake prepared by ground peanuts, garlic ginger salt smoked paprika and onion powder.

Likewise, you will be able to distinguish how the evolution of barbecue has taken place geographically. It is better and significant as anyone can taste different flavors of barbecue.

The journey of barbecue from pre -historic era to present is complex and amazing. With the new invention this amazing smoked guy also went under new variations. It is unthinkable where barbecue will cease its journey and where its destination is.

The Black peppers, a renowned member of condiments is in every cuisine at each corner of the world. It is one of the earliest spices in use and at and at the present it is widely used all over the world. Not like the other spices it plays a major role in every dining table. Mostly every dish of the every three meals are nourished, decorated, flavored and give health benefits of black peppers to the human body.

Black Pepper V White Pepper

Occasionally in day today life dining tables, we are introducing to dishes with black pepper. However there is another guy which comes from same plant Piper Nigrum. It is called white pepper as in appearance it seems to be white.

Though black pepper is produce by unripe berries of pepper allowing them to dry and to blackened, white pepper is manufactured by fully ripe berries of pepper. Then the berries are soaked in water and let them to ferment. After that the outer covering is removed while reaming the inner white seed. According to this methodology white pepper is produce.

According to many comments white pepper is not much pungent and piquant, but milder than the taste of black pepper. The main reason for that is the chemical substance is stripped away when removing the epidermis.

Health Benefits of Black Peppers

The Black peppers, a renowned member of condiments is in every cuisine at each corner of the world. It is one of the earliest spices in use and at and at the present it is widely used all over the world. Not like the other spices it plays a major role in every dining table. Mostly every dish of the every three meals are nourished, decorated, flavored and give health benefits of black peppers to the human body.

In fact majority of the people consume black pepper and it stands rigidly in the menu surpassing the other condiments due to its enormous Contribution to the Life span and Beneficial effects. Under this will talk about what health benefits of black peppers add to meals.Evolutionary Black Pepper is categorized under the kingdom Plantoe and family Piperaceae. Scientifically this condiment is referred to as Piper Nigrum. There are many varieties of pepper and black pepper bulks among them due to its special properties

Where does Black Peppercorn come from?

Black pepper was used in ancient time period as a condiment as well as in other fields too. However arrival of it is recorded from India. As the native land of black pepper, the state of Kerala in India is considered.

The history of usage of black pepper runs towards the Ancient Egyptian civilization and it reveals that black pepper was used to preserve mummies and as evidence the archaeologists have excavated a body of mummy whose nostrils have been stuffed with pepper in order to keep it clean. According to the ancient Roman cook book”Apicius” written in 4 AD, the usage of Black pepper was very high in that era. Ancient Greeks and Romans loved Black pepper much and added their diet.

However at present it is grown in every tropical region in large scale as it bears fruits perennially. It is widely cultivated throughout Indonesia and has been introduced into tropical areas of African continent and the western hemisphere.

Vietnam currently maintains the cultivation of black pepper in large scale and exports them to various countries fulfilling a greater portion of world supply.  In addition, the desire of testing this little piquant spice drove the explorers like Vasko De Gama, Colombus , towards the eastern part of globe.

Is Black Pepper Good For You?

Though it is minute size, it is activity is comprehensive and uncountable. In fact Black Pepper is condiment which assists people in an auxiliary manner giving them many benefits for the existence. As a matter of fact, Black pepper is healthy for use from cradle to grove and age difference can be neglected when consuming it as it contains much beneficial influences.

Black pepper is rich with many nutrients such as Thiamine,Riboflavin,Vitamin C ,Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Vitamin K. It is also rich source of minerals like Zinc, magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorous and calcium. Presence of dietary fiber is also high in black pepper. Accordingly, if anyone has doubts regarding the consumption of black pepper. It will clear after being familiar with these nutritional conditions of it.

Contribution of Black Pepper for a Healthy Life

01. A strong Antioxidant

Antioxidant are referred to as the compounds that protect cell damage caused by free radicals which are formed as a result of poor diet, sun exposure, smoking, pollutants. Black pepper is a source containing much antioxidants and majority of composition is covered by the antioxidant called Piperine, the most abundant chemical compound in black pepper. This piperine helps to protect cells from free radicals.

In one study, it was exposed that black pepper extract is able to resist over the action of radicals in a fat preparation.  In another study, scientists were able to note that black pepper has the potential to stop up 85% of cellular damage caused due to the cancer development. Therefore uncontroversial   it can be accepted that black pepper is a good and powerful antioxidant.

02. Absorption of Nutrients

Black pepper has the potential of enhancing the absorption of various kinds of nutrients as well as some other beneficial components into our body. The organic compound piperine found in black pepper increases the absorption of circuit abundant in turmeric which has many anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties. It also boosts absorption of resveratrol, a red wine compound that reduce a person’s risk for the brain disorders and heart problems. Some researchers have proved that black pepper improves the absorption of beta-carotene, an antioxidant compound abundant in vegetables and fruits which can prevent heart diseases. Instead of taking beta-carotene alone, consumption with piperine improves the blood level in adults.

03. Promote Digestion and Reduce Diarrhea

Black pepper assists many people in their digestive cases. It convinces the stomach actions and improves digestion. Black pepper stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes which prevent feeling full after meals and it also accelerate the release of enzymes in pancreas  and intestine which help for the digestion of carbs and fat.  Black pepper also facilitates the transition of food through GI tract.

Black pepper aids to inhabit diarrhea by decreasing muscle spams in digestive tract and slowing the digestion of foods. It also have revealed that piperine in doses of 4.5mg per pound of body weight is comparable to the common antidiarrheal medication lope amide. Likewise black pepper engages in enormous contribution for digestion as well as for treating diarrhea.

04. Reduce Blood Sugar Compositions

Diabetes is a contemporary disease common among social groups due to the difference occurred in their blood sugar levels. Piperine in black pepper maintains blood sugar levels (glucose level) by improving metabolic performance. It also enhances the sensitivity of Insulin, a hormone influenced for diabetic conditions. This Piperine found in black pepper has the ability to discourage the function of some digestive enzymes which converts complex carbohydrates and sucrose into glucose. And Piperine stands as a bio enhancer for metformin which used as a common medication for diabetes.

05. Maintenance of Cholesterol Level

Piperinein Black pepper debilitates the enzymes which promote the formation of fat and it attempts to remove fat. As well as Piperine prevents the absorption of bile, an acidic digestive juice which facilitates the absorption and digestion of fat. Black pepper lowers the LDL cholesterol level and it diminishes the risk for heart diseases. In addition it increases the HDL cholesterol level which is friendly for human life.

Assistance of Black Pepper for Mental Health


Black pepper provides its services   maximum as a good natural antidepressant. The anxiety is caused due to the high level of oxidative stress in the brain. Piperinein in black pepper inhibits the levels of oxidative stress and prevent damaging of brain cells. While Piperinein controls the release of Monoamine oxidase, a responsible substance for depression it also induce the release of happy hormone like serotonin and dopamine. Therefor black pepper become a natural antidepressant curse many depressed patients.

Promote Brain Health

Piperinein in the black pepper becomes competent to attenuate the enzyme which breaks down the calming neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine while reducing the risk of causing degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Not only that but also Piperinein protects the nerves of brain and reduce the formation of plaque.   

Reduce Pseudo seizure

Due to the long term mental stress a kind of seizure the Pseudo seizures occurred. Piperinein reduce this condition by the proper synchronization of the nerve activity in brain and controlling the flow of calcium.

Turmeric with Black Pepper Benefits

Turmeric a member of ginger family which is also referred to as Indian saffron is a condiment which has been able to beguile the kitchen maid since ancient eras. Scientifically it is introduced as Circuma Longa and native to south East Asia. It has become an essential condiment for every cuisine as it a lot of benefits.

The active compound can be within the turmeric is Circumin and it has a magical ability to act as a antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antifungal substance. However the inauspicious fact is Circumin in turmeric has poor bioavailability. It has minimum tendency of absorption. So to work this magic, black pepper comes as helping hand. Piperinein in black pepper is potent to increase the bioavailability of Circumin and to obtain its maximum advantages. When Piperinein combine with Circumin, it enhances the absorption of Circumin into body as well as blood stream in 2000%. This combination assists to improve joint mobility by reducing the aging of joints and supports to the digestion as well as to internal cleansing.

So many people suffer from various diseased conditions like ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome use black pepper and turmeric In order to manage those and to cure them. In addition black pepper has a possibility to benumb the side effects of turmeric and supports overall health affectively.

However when turmeric and black pepper consumption is practiced in higher doses it may bring unfortunate condition like nausea, headache, rash and yellow stool. So we should be much attentive to use them in moderation.

Is Black Pepper okay for Dogs

As much aquatinted pet us, we have practiced to feed dog with any viand we usually consume. But, do we concern regarding the influences it may carry to dog? In fact when we feed our dog with a food seasoned or added with black pepper it is better to be inquisitive.

It is safe to consume small amount of black pepper to a dog. However it no acquires any special canine health benefit to them. Consumption of large portion of black pepper may cause many disastrous effects to your dog. Among them irritation in digestive system, hemorrhoids and respiratory disorders are prominent. When a dog eats black pepper corn or food seasoned with black pepper their stomach becomes upset due to the internal reactions. Therefore it is ideal not to feed the dog with pepper habitually.  If your dog experience vomiting or diarrhea after the consumption of black pepper call your veterinarian.

Black Pepper V White Pepper

Occasionally in day today life dining tables, we are introducing to dishes with black pepper. However there is another guy which comes from same plant Piper Nigrum. It is called white pepper as in appearance it seems to be white.

Though black pepper is produce by unripe berries of pepper allowing them to dry and to blackened, white pepper is manufactured by fully ripe berries of pepper. Then the berries are soaked in water and let them to ferment. After that the outer covering is removed while reaming the inner white seed. According to this methodology white pepper is produce.

According to many comments white pepper is not much pungent and piquant, but milder than the taste of black pepper. The main reason for that is the chemical substance is stripped away when removing the epidermis.

Black pepper can survive for a long time period without diminishing it properties. However white pepper quickly become stale and loses its flavor.  Both varieties possess similar healthy properties. White pepper is enhanced with flavonoids, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It also helps to maintain the blood pressure. Many people take white pepper by mouth to relief upset stomach, diarrhea, malaria and cancer. Sometimes it is applied to skin to reduce pain. As well as white pepper essential oil is used in aromatherapy.

In American cuisine the blazing pepper member is black pepper but this position is stolen by white pepper in Chinese, French, Vietnamese and Swedish cuisine. They use white pepper to prepare soups, marinades for meat and poultry and specimen stir-fries.

Accordingly black pepper is condiment enriched with uncountable healthy benefits. That’s why it still continues the same reputation of years out of count. As the eventual conclusion it can be accepted the moderate consumption of this amazing condiment for a better and healthier life style.