History of the BBQ

History of the BBQ- Origin Of BBQ

When someone asked, what is your favorite food or what do you like to eat? Most probably your answer will be “oh! It is uncontroversial BBQ. In fact it is the most favorite dish of every dining able as well as in every cuisine. BBQ mean the abbreviated word for the amazing barbeque. In this will see the history of the BBQ.

Since it is salty, tangy and spicy every living being from cradle to grave like to feast on this miraculous dish. Though we are big fans of BBQ, actually do we know regarding the origin and the history of BBQ, this amazing food guy?

BBQ and Pre-Historic Era

Human began to consume food especially meat cooked over fire around 1.8 million years ago. The human ancestor called Homo erectus began the traditional of cooking meat on fire after the advent of fire by him.

Since the modern BBQ tradition is same to cooking meat on fire, it is no wrong of describing the origin of BBQ relative to the historic era. Though the preparation of meat on fire in historic era is fundamental, many people believe that the origin of the BBQ tradition is bound with the historic era as our ancient ancestor, Homo erectus consumed his food (especially meat) after smoking it on fire.

Evolution of BBQ

After the revolution, many people who lived Spain and Portugal became official explorers and accordingly they commenced to migrate each and every corner of the world in order to expand their religion to discover new varieties of condiments and with some other intentions as a result of Spanish explorations.

They were able to migrate to Caribbean islands and there those conquistadors found the indigenous people of those islands were drying meat under the suns radiations in order to preserve them as the fresh existence of meat is limited of certain days.

Nevertheless, those explorers noticed that the main problem they means the indigenous community had face in the circumstance was though they dried, rapidly the meat spoilt and the bugs infested them. So they had to face with many bad experience related to their food matters. As an alternative for this, they began to smoke the meat over fire and smoke kept meat long lasted and bugs away.

Therefore they won the success in that matter. As it is closely similar to the BBQ tradition many food historians claimed that it was one historical development of BBQ.

However the history of the BBQ also runs to the ancient region of southern USA. During the migration of Europeans to the southern region of USA they imported the captured and enslaved Africans to the relevant regions. In that time European cattle’s and pigs also were transplanted there. So pork was the main dish of their dining tables and it is believed that those humans consumed the meat after smoking them on fire. So this situation also claims to the evolution of modern BBQ.

The first meat market opened by Jessi Swearingen in 1875, Lockhart, Texas. It was also contribution to the modern BBQ. Every year four restaurants in market welcome over 250,000dinners for the entire world. Later the town was famous for its barbecued beef and sausages with saltine crackers, onions and pickles. In1999 Lockhart was officially nominated the Barbecue capital of Texas.

As the evidence that have been discovered, BBQ can be considered as the ancient cuisine of the food Planet. The first barbecue recipes are recorded from the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations. As they were experienced shepherds of animal husbandry they began to prepare meat by smoking them over fire soaked with thin rice bran oil.  They smoked meat at a high temperature. So they became competent to consume fresh, roasted, crispy and smoked BBQ.

However the climax of evolution of barbecue is exposed by grate Caribbean island. They were the pioneers of modern barbecue traditions. They used to smoke meat over a grill or pits covered with spices and basting sauce. Actually this is the modern theory we apply when preparing the magical dish of barbecue. Likewise the history of modern barbecue tradition is inherited from Caribbean island.

Where does the word Barbecue Come From?

Normally in day today life we use the word BBQ to introduce barbecue. It is the abbreviated slang of the word barbecue. The spellings of the word can be written in both manners of barbecue and barbeque. However, how this word barbecue originated? What was the foundation of it?

As the History reflects, it mentions that the word barbecue has been derived from the Spanish slang. When the word “Barbacoa” of Spanish is translated in to English it displays the word of Barbecue.

However the arrival of this word is controversial as many people have introduced different explanations about the word barbecue and Barbacoa. Some people say that it has been derived from Arawak tribe. Any way, it can be undoubtedly expressed that the word barbeque has been derived from the word Barbacoa.

Barbecue Vs. Ancient Celebrities

In fact barbecue can be considered as a region which makes people together and it is a communication medium between neighbors, friends and any loving guy.

In ancient time too people had used this smoked guy for their celebrations and special events. After victory of revolutionary war, it is events were commemorated with spicy, tangy and sweet barbecues. It is amazing to say that this barbecue claims relationship with the life events of world famous celebrities.

American president were big fans of barbecue and great former president of America, George Washington’s diaries were full with reference of barbecue. He was major barbecue buff.When Abraham Lincoln’s parents were married, their wedding feast also was a huge BBQ.

Different Barbecue Styles

Although these smoked meat on a grill or a pit is referred to as barbecue. It possesses many regional introductions as well as preparation methods.

In America we are introduced to barbecue in 4 main traditions. Such as follows,

Carolina BBQ

Texas BBQ

Memphis BBQ

Kansas BBQ

When it is considered about Carolina BBQ, South Carolina uses vinegar based sauce to their make meat much spicy, tangy and juicy. But in north people prefer to use mustard based sauce.

In Texas, their barbecue is dominantly based on beef. Here Texan Molasses was added to create a sweeter barbecue flavor. In Texas the unique barbecue type is Texas brisket, the meat seasoned with salt and pepper and slow cooked for many hours.

In Memphis, typically barbecue tradition is bound with pork. Here a distinctive feature is the rub massaged in to meat and it contains dozen of different herbs and condiments.

The barbecue tradition in Kansas City is developed when the person called henry Perry started a barbecue restaurant.  He was a fan of sweet barbecue. Therefore in this region barbecue are mostly sweet in flavor. The recipe includes a sauce made with tomato and molasses. Sometimes it is soaked with brown sugar too.

In addition to those four varieties of American barbecue, as a foodie guy you can explore many other type of barbecue spread all over the world.

Different Countries BBQ Traditions

In Korea, if you are huge fan of barbecue, you will meet with distinctive experience. In this tradition the grill is at the center of the table and dinners have to participate with their own meat and side dishes known as Banchan and then they get opportunity to grill their own food. Among the grilled stuff, prominent members are thinly sliced beef called Bulgogi, beef ribs called Galbi and Dark Galbi which are marinated chicken.

In France and Switzerland, the people have practiced with unique barbecue tradition called Pierrade or Pierre Chaude. Here they use hot flat stone as the grill and stuff will be very thin sliced meat.

In South Africa, you will meet with braai not with barbecue. It means there barbecue is referred to as braai. In this tradition generally, meats such as lamb, Beef and pork are grilled on a wood fired braai stand.

When moved in to West Africa, confusing you will meet with Suya instead of barbecue. Suya is typically prepared with skewered beef, mutton or chicken and sometimes kidney liver and tripe are also used. To marinate thinly sliced beef they use a spice sauce called Suya spice or peanut cake prepared by ground peanuts, garlic ginger salt smoked paprika and onion powder.

Likewise, you will be able to distinguish how the evolution of barbecue has taken place geographically. It is better and significant as anyone can taste different flavors of barbecue.

The journey of barbecue from pre -historic era to present is complex and amazing. With the new invention this amazing smoked guy also went under new variations. It is unthinkable where barbecue will cease its journey and where its destination is.

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